The Unfinalized History of the Kingdom of Destroedor


TNP Nation

1500 BC First Sign of Humans on Destroedor: The oldest group in Destroedor, the Destros, date back to 1500 BC. This was the first time that a civilized community was in Destroedor.

1500-270 BC Groups Interact: As native groups expanded, they started to interact with other groups. Some groups became friendly and started trade and communities, other groups fought and would not be friendly towards each other. By the end of this era, most of the violent groups had been wiped out and the groups left had trade between each other and these groups started to create somewhat of an organized government.

271BC-103 AD 4 Independent States: By 271, 4 independent states were established in what is now Destroedor. The 4 states where Destros which was the most wealthy and powerful, Edoria which was a close second to Destros, Rakun which was a smaller less powerful nation but maintained power due to it having most of the natural resources in the region, and Hallurka which controlled the trade routes because it was in the middle of the region. These 4 independent states interacted and traded peacefully for a few centuries and this is one of the Great Peace Eras in Destrodian history.

104-112 The Destros War: Destros was the western most state and it controlled almost all of the coast. This made it the largest and most powerful state. The leader of Destros Lord Reter III died in 920 and his son, Lord Dutark V also known as Dutark the mad, took power. Unlike his father and others before him, Dutark was a very aggressive and he wanted as much power as possible. Soon after Dutark took power, he made Destros and Empire and made himself Emperor. As emperor of Destros he immediately attacked Hallurka and cut off trade between Edoria and Rakun weakening Rakun because trade was there only asset. Dutark soon took over Rakun which meant that Edoria was the only country left for Dutark to take. Because Edoria was in such a bad position, they had no choice but to surrender immediately. This however was the best move by Edoria because this left most of the Edorians alive which would later be of consequence to the Destros.

113 -1796 AD The Supremacy Period: For over a millennia after Destros had conquered Edoria there was extreme prejudice towards Edorians and the Edorians could rank any higher than a peasant. The Edorian culture and religion was prohibited and the Destros, as the upper class treated them as disposable. The Edorians, had no choice but to endure all of the prejudice and extreme injustices that were being done to them, as throughout this time Emperor Dutark XVI the cunning (246-273), Emperor Karaken IV the fierce (782-803), and Emperor Gastuk IIX the wise (1538-1563) held power and all of them created methods, laws, and systems were the Edorians would not be able to gain power for generations. The Empire would try to take lands from other regions every once in a while but they never succeeded in capturing another region. This period of supremacy and prejudice would eventually cause the Edorian Revolution.

1797-1803 The Edorian Revolution: In 1795 the grandson of Gastuk the wise, Emperor Raktu III (the lazy, 1797-1802) took power. Raktu was lazy and dumb and he let the programs and laws that had kept the Edorians in check wither and become ineffective. This created an opportunity for the Edorians which they took advantage of to gain and the relative of the former leader of Edoria, Caredo later known as Lord Caredo the Great, led Edorians to Dutarku (named after Dutark V) the capital of Destros in 1797. At the capital they drove off the Emperor and his court and the Edorians took the capital. After the news spread farther across the country Edorians all over rose up against their oppressors and The Edorian Revolutionary War started. Even though almost all Edorians were fighting, Destros was still and Empire and they had a formidable military that had kept the country safe and unconquered for over a millennia. So the Emperor ordered a full on war on all Edorians throughout the Empire. But even though the military of Destros had better training and equipment, the Edorians had a genius general in their ranks who would eventually be known as Hareu, the unbreakable. With Hareu and Caredo’s leadership, the Edorians were able to match the Destros military and the war stayed at a stalemate until 1803. After 6 years of war, both sides had been worn down and both sides did not want to fight any more. Emperor Raktu had been killed the year before and the only members left of the royal family was Raktu’s nephew, Daruku and his daughter. Daruku, Hareu, Caredo, and other representatives from each side met at the capital. There the Treaty of Dutarku was made.

1806 Treaty of Dutarku: The Treaty of Dutarku officially ended the Edorian Revolution and created the new Kingdom of Destroedor. The Kingdom of Destroedor was an absolute monarchy where the royal family of Destroedor ruled. For the first three years after the treaty Daruku and Caredo ruled but as soon as the royal family of Destroedor was created, which was when the son of Caredo, Edate III (1809-1832), and the daughter of Daruku, Queen Unak II (1809-1832) married in 1809 they were given the throne. In 1812 Edate and Unak had a son who would later become King Edrakute I the great (1832-1881). Edrakute was given the throne as soon as he turned 20 in 1832 since he was the first to be of mixed blood. Edrakute was a huge part of the integration of Destros and Edorians and he is considered the first actual Destroedian. He was a major influence and role model to the citizens of Destroedor and he is the reason that Destros and Edorians were first able to live, laugh, work, and marry each other.

1807-1902 The Second Peace Era: During this time Destroedor developed at a faster pace than ever before. Destroedor’s economy boomed with its strong suit being gemstones and precious metals. With new advancements in technology, mining for gemstones and metals became easier which boosted the economy even more. Destroedor’s economy also relied on manufacturing. Destroedor had entered its golden era and it seemed like it was never going to end.

1903-1908 The New Constitution of Destroedor: In 1903, King Draksa IV (1903-1906) gained the throne. During his time as king, he took away the rights of citizens and forced them into labor with very cheap wages, this angered many of the citizens of Destroedor and these actions sparked there want for a say in the government. Throughout Draksa’s reign he refused to do anything about the citizens’ wants and Destroedor bordered on another revolution. Before this could happen though, in 1906 King Draksa was murdered. After Draksa was murdered, his brother Prince Fruken took the throne. The state of Destroedor became slightly better but the citizens still wanted to have a voice in the government. Finally Fruken gave in to the citizen’s wishes and created a new constitution in which Destroedor would be a constitutional monarchy. The constitution gave executive power to the king, who will act as the Prime Minister of Destroedor. Destroedor was also split into 12 sectors by the constitution. Each sector will vote 3 senators into the Senate which would be the Legislative branch of the Destroedian government. The Senate will also nominate 7 justices into the Supreme Court which will be the judicial branch of the Destroedian government. The sectors can decide how they want to rule themselves individually but they cannot brake any federal law created by the Senate. The king of Destroedor will also be supreme commander over the Destrodian Military. This constitution satisfied the wants of the people and the state of Destroedor went back to the way it was before Draksa took rule.

1909-Present: That leads us to today. Since 1909 Destroedor has been growing economically as it still relies on its mining of gemstones and precious metals and manufacturing industry. Today there is an elaborate public transportation system stretching across Destroedor that most people use. Most of the energy in Destroedor is produced by nuclear power plants and some wind energy. The Destroedian military is small but well trained and well run. The current king is King Drukar I who is very young for a ruler at just age 26 and he took office in 2015. Even though he is young and relatively inexperienced King Drukar is very intelligent and good at negotiations.

This is a pretty rough summary. If you find any grammatical or other errors related to English just tell me. Also if you think it is overly complicated or lacks certain details let me know so I can change that. I am kinda a noob to this so I am just trying to figure out how to start. Any help is appreciated.
This is a pretty rough summary. If you find any grammatical or other errors related to English just tell me. Also if you think it is overly complicated or lacks certain details let me know so I can change that. I am kinda a noob to this so I am just trying to figure out how to start. Any help is appreciated.
Well... I sure as hell don't expect a twenty page long bare bones history of your nation similar to the one I have for mine but otherwise from what I've read, it's a very good start. While you can easily expand on certain areas (example being The Edorian Revolution and going into detail on the events that led up to it, what happened during the revolution and how it was eventually resolved... what you have at the moment though is a very good and in my opinion broad overview), what you've written works very well for detailing the backstory of your nation and gives you some groundwork to work off of in you choose to participate in any role-play scenarios.
Thanks Nightsong. Really appreciate your feedback. I will take it into consideration when I create my factbook.
No problem. If you need any design ideas for Factbook layouts, feel free to take a look at mine: I will warn you though that it is still under construction from being re-worked and re-written and there may be a few things broken but overall it works. If you do like any of the layouts and want the code for it, let me know and I'll pass the code along.