The Minister of Foreign Affairs Weekly Report

Hello everyone,
I will be returning as Minister of Foreign Affairs for this term--as you've most likely noticed--and hope to continue the work that I've been doing. My main focuses for this term will be to ensure the Diplomatic Corps is aware of the major hoppenings in NS and to work on training the Corps. We have a large staff and I look forward to working with them all. I also hope to continue my own expansion of NS knowledge through the extremely helpful Senior Diplomats group.

Now moving on to the reason for this thread, last term, each week on Sunday I presented a report to the Cabinet. This term I will be doing the same thing as well as presenting it here. Any classified information will be removed although there isn't usually any. This report does not include discussions of information with individuals not in TNP or discussion of events with members of government. The majority of the information (acceptance of members, status of embassies, appointment of ambassadors) can be found publicly by anyone who cares to do so but is collected here for ease of reading.
And so without any further ado...
September 14th to 17th 2016
Last term I used nice graphics, code and all that stuff. Not going to be bothered this time.

I have accepted the following individuals into the Ministry.
I have accepted the following individuals as Foreign Envoys
I've requested that an embassy with Dellenaria be created.
I have begun to purge the Diplomatic Corps of inactive individuals through the creation of a roll call.
The policy of creating Ambassador Offices has been reinstated with an initial publication created.
The Regions Record Thread as well as the Staff has been updated to reflect changes made from the closing of the embassies last term.
Posted in the Gameplay forum the results of the election as well as initial Ministerial appointments.
Somewhat anti-climatic I guess?

If you have any questions concerning my actions do not hesitate to ask. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is not usually as visible as the other Ministries as most of our activities are foreign but I feel it is important that TNP is aware of what we're doing.