Hello to everyone in the TNP!
This is Park Chungseup, 4th President of the 2nd Republic of Korea
We are survivors from a civil war that never ended after our brothers turned into brainwashed communists, we long for peaceful reunification.
We are a Oriental Democratic Nation with a thriving economy with high morals and hopes
We emerged from the 1st Republic of Bohseon, founded by Yun Bohseon.
10 years ago, we had experienced a military coup, in which our nation temporarily turned into a military-first country for 1 year, thus dramatically increasing economy while political freedoms didn't exist. Because of the coup, the economy today is widely attributed to the military coup
Things are looking bright in Bohseon as Civil Rights, Economy, and Political Freedom increases every day and hope for a brighter future.
-Genuine Regards
The 2nd Republic of Bohseon
so yea I've been in TNP for over a month and thought I had to write something "official", but reading it over again, noticed it was very subtle and awkward
aaanyways my nation was inspired by the 2nd President of the Republic of Korea, which happens to be my great uncle
. I usually am an active user in forums, because of past experience being a mod on many successful and large forums.
soooo I guess I hope for things to go uphill
This is Park Chungseup, 4th President of the 2nd Republic of Korea
We are survivors from a civil war that never ended after our brothers turned into brainwashed communists, we long for peaceful reunification.
We are a Oriental Democratic Nation with a thriving economy with high morals and hopes
We emerged from the 1st Republic of Bohseon, founded by Yun Bohseon.
10 years ago, we had experienced a military coup, in which our nation temporarily turned into a military-first country for 1 year, thus dramatically increasing economy while political freedoms didn't exist. Because of the coup, the economy today is widely attributed to the military coup
Things are looking bright in Bohseon as Civil Rights, Economy, and Political Freedom increases every day and hope for a brighter future.
-Genuine Regards
The 2nd Republic of Bohseon
so yea I've been in TNP for over a month and thought I had to write something "official", but reading it over again, noticed it was very subtle and awkward
aaanyways my nation was inspired by the 2nd President of the Republic of Korea, which happens to be my great uncle

soooo I guess I hope for things to go uphill