
Your Stop for Latin News - All of it, by Everyone

Rhuvanland - Imperium Augustum - Alainn

What's the Round Up?

The Round Up is the Latin World's biggest blog network! Giving Latinates a voice, the Round Up is the most popular source for REAL news on what's happening in between the Straits. Forget spoon-fed mass media, we're bringing you the REAL scoop with information even the Lictors would kill to have! If you're tired of seeing Caesar's name plastered on every quote in your daily rag, drop the subscription and pick up your phone - The Round Up frontpage is the place to be.

Who are you?

The Round Up team is composed of some of the top commentators in the Latin World today. With hires from all over the Pax Latina - including hires from Rhuvanland, McMasterdonia, and the Baleine Kingdom - the Round Up team has, collectively, three PhDs, almost a dozen Masters degrees, and over a thousand blog posts, with an average readership of more than a million. Most of us don't share our identities, being predominantly based in Imperium. However, we are moving to secure employment contracts with potential network leaders in Rhuvanland, who will be able to put a face on the Round Up team and help push our network to new heights!

What are your sources?

The Round Up does not share its sources, as part of our confidentiality agreements, unless previously agreed with said sources. However, the Round Up's feature pages only feature bloggers with a reputation for accuracy and transparency - an independent media study showed that our features for 2014 were equal to or more accurate than sixteen of twenty randomly selected newspapers with daily, international circulation above one million.

Which nations do you represent?

At current, The Round Up focuses on providing news from the central Latinate - Imperium, Rhuvanland, and Alainn. We are seeking to expand into other nations in the Pax Latina, but are likely to do so only in a syndication capacity. Our team is currently based in Imperium, but is currently in the process of moving to Rhuvanland, in our private capacities, as part of Imperium's Military-Civilian Exchange Program, bureaucracy be willing. We believe that the media atmosphere of Rhuvanland will allow us more freedom in producing content for our viewers, and provide us the safety we need to increase accountability and transparency on behalf of The Round Up network.