June 22nd - Now.
This first article is compensation for all of those missing reports that I did not write over the course of my term. I am not going to tell you my reasons, for I do not look for forgiveness in this situation. All I look for is understanding, I tried to find the time, but I failed. So allow me to redeem myself in the only way I believe to work amongst the council, and that is through an update. This thread will be reserved for weekly updates, and if for some reason I fail to produce one of my weekly reports, I will add them up and stack them onto the next tower of tasks.June 22nd - End of June
- On June the 22nd I was appointed to my position by Lord Ravenclaw in this thread.
- On June the 22nd, Frozentophat joined the Ministry.
- On June the 23rd, Praetor and Aragnatim were accepted into the Ministry.
- On June the 29th, I posted my opening statement, here.
- On June the 29th, I appointed Sasten as my Deputy Minister.
July 1st - End of July
During July, a total of 8 nations were added to the Ministry:
- YeahJust
- Gradea
- 21micfol
- Antarticeuropa
- Asnaz
- primeboy1
- Cronaal
- Proxy of Demescia
- GA Staff Roll Call (July 4th)
- Introduction to Gameside Affairs (July 17th)
- The Minister's Office (July 17th)

My hopes for August are very high, I have a lot more time to work on the Ministry now that the school holidays have arrived. Expect lots of great new things! I am going to try and collaberate with some of the other Ministries on various projects in order to strengthen connections between Executive Staff. There are just endless possibilities! I'd like to hope that other Ministries are also interested in the possibility of a future collaberations. I will also be posting several new Ministry related threads for new members to check out, and plus I have so many more things to work on concerning Gameside Affairs. To mention just a few off the top of my head:
- Introducing more positions within the Ministry, covering more roles and therefore getting more done!
- Creating senior ranks within the Ministry so that members have the incentive to work for more managing positions.
- Promoting the Ministry and aiming to recruit about 15 new members during August.
- Collaberating with other Ministries to help complete projects and create a more connected government.
- Make it easier and less daunting for new members to get involved within the Ministry and in the Executive Staff.
- Ensure all nations are getting the most enjoyment out of the region and the game.
- Employ more Regional Mentors and cut out the positions that are not working for the Ministry.
- Encourage new Executive Staff members to apply for higher positions.