
Joint North Pacific - Alexandria raid on The Holy Historian Confederation
The North Pacific Army (NPA) together with The RLA from Alexandria managed to successfully capture and hold the region of The Holy Historian Confederation for 4 days. The operation was a success on all fronts, 13 NPA soldiers took part In this operation. I would also like to take this chance to thank our allies from Europeia and United Kingdom for their provided support during the operation. I would like to award this ribbon to everyone who took part In this operation:

1. Asnaz
2. Lorbank
3. General Bolingbroke
4. Mikecars12
5. Primeboy1
6. Hexcon
7. Hiskjriaana
8. Kasch
9. Malphe
10. TheGreatMing787
11. Sasten
12. QuietDad
13. Gladio
I would also like to take this opportunity to promote some of The NPAers for their hard work during the recent operations.
Lorbank, Hexcon and Asnaz are promoted to Private First Class (PFC) for successfully participating In their first mission

Malphe, TheGreatMing787 and General Bolingbroke are promoted to the rank of Corporal (CPL)

Sasten, Kasch and Hiskjriaana are promoted to the rank of Sergeant (SGT)

Congratulations everyone, keep up the good work!

Minister of Defense
You can join The North Pacific Army (NPA) by applying here!