Pleasant Greetings to our fellow Neighbours!


To our fellow nations within the region,
Welcome! This is the Royal Federation of Palisede, finally deciding to join the TNP forums!

We hope for co-operation & friendship within the region and are looking forward to our discussions.

:tnp: Glory to The North Pacific! :tnp:

- Founder of Palisede

We would like to express our pleasure at being inducted into the North Pacific community.

We look forward to knowing the rest of the region better.

Per fidem et Deo

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
The Constutional Monarchy of Gottberg


We would like to express our pleasure at being inducted into the North Pacific community.

We look forward to knowing the rest of the region better.

Per fidem et Deo

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
The Constutional Monarchy of Gottberg

We wholeheartedly concur and would like to show our pleasure in being included in the North Pacific community.
Our nation looks forward, both to our allies and our region to help & guide us on this.
I hope I can get some help on the issues I have on my profile... I kinda stuffed up the link to my nationstates nation...
OOC: This is probably the only place I can successfully reply so far, myself. :pinch: