WA Deputy Applications open

Just an FYI that I officially opened applications for WA Deputies earlier today. My hope is that - eventually - one or more of my Deputies this term will be capable of filling my shoes as Minister of WA Affairs moving forward, so I figured I'd post the applications here as I get them.

Concerns, comments, and follow-up queries are certainly welcome.

Corporal Clegg:
Nation Name in TNP: Sirisea

What experience, if any, do you have with WA Affairs? I have been in the ministry for several months now and I have been actively participating. I also made a voting thread for Mouse when they were gone once! :)

Which do you prefer: General Assembly or Security Council? Why? I'm more of a GA guy; I don't really care that much about commen-/condemnations.

Why do you want to be a Deputy of WA Affairs? I would love to become even more involved in the region, and I think that this position would be a good role to start out in as I become more comfortable and more active.

What ideas do you have for improving the Ministry of WA Affairs? Naturally, I would like to see more members and activity in the ministry, so I think a recruitment drive would be in our best interest. I think that if some of us would write telegrams about the ministry and what we do, we could send them to the HA ministry to distribute.

Are you active on Skype? IRC? Discord? I do have a discord, but I have not used it for a while.

I'll add more as I get more responses, but I just opened applications this morning. I'm not planning to name any deputies until next week.
This is the only applicant I've received. I was hoping that if I gave it through the weekend, I might get another one, but no luck there yet. I've bumped the thread in the Ministry, and I'll plan to announce tomorrow night (so early-early Europe time on Monday).

Any objections or concerns with Clegg's application? I have a friend coming in from out of town shortly, but I'll try to pop on IRC later tonight or tomorrow if there's anything we need to discuss there. (or is Discord preferred? I should really get that operational again .... )
Clegg is good people. Competent and active enough to be an asset to any ministry.
I have talked to Raven on Discord and I've shared a concern with him regarding Clegg's application It could be just me but If Raven determines there Is an issue, he can share It with everyone else.
I'm going to file it away and do some poking when I have five minutes. I give my approval for him as a deputy - he won't have access to any sensitive information anyway.
Sounds good. This obviously didn't happen on Sunday like I was hoping as I got slammed with some other stuff, and I need to head off to work shortly, but I'll try to take care of officially deputizing him tomorrow.
BTW, 2 (probable) proposals to go to vote shortly.
I've officially PMd Clegg offering him the job. I'm guessing he still wants it, but when he confirms back, I can make an announcement somewhere. (Is that protocol around here? I'll admit I'm not super familiar with how TNP usually operates in that vein ... :unsure: )
Create a thread/or use an existing thread for staff changes in WA Affairs to note that Clegg is now your deputy minister and ask him to take his oath of office. :)