Kebab was removed


You dirty rat, you killed my brother!
TNP Nation
Who was it? I mean, i know that ISIS will claim responsibility for everything that happens, but who do you think actually did it? Greeks or kurds maybe? The turks have a lot of enemies.
Way to approach the murder of 42 people in an appropriate manner.

Jesus fucking christ.
I feel like... like, I'm not going to say "offended", but that's in very bad taste and might offend others. Any chance OP could be edited or something?
I'll edit it, sorry about that.

EDIT: Or not, since apparently I can't. I'll have to delete it, if I can even do that.
It looks like its specific to moderators to change the title of a post.
Report has been noted. I'll raise the matter with administration.
I am going to lock this thread. Please make a new one where you can discuss the matter in a more appropriate tone.