Hello and good morning!>

Good mroning to the reader. My current kingdom is The "United Kingdom of Yurc". Yurc because York is the state I live in so figured that be cool. Couple weeks ago when I went to the forums and asked a quesiton in regards to military and I gotten a message from the leader of "The Kingdom of Plembobria" and I wanted to give this a try since this is new to me and I will enjoy this new miliary style gameplay since, military stuff can be enjoyable.

I am interested in joining and helping out and would enjoy being thought on what to do to be able to be part of this nice looking community:)

Kind Regads
Hello and Welcome to The North Pacific :)

I'm Gladio a General In The North Pacific Army (NPA) and the Minister of Defense, you should consider joining the NPA and getting Involved In military gameplay, the NPA does both raiding and defensive missions.

If you want to know more feel free to PM me.