The Castles of Cronaal


((This post is by no means near completion and has been created to try and build on the little history Cronaal has. Be prepared for additions to what's already written and new additions entirely. Feel free to comment!
And if you're impatient, you can see what's lined up here: ))


Originally called Castel de Angerdd, Castel de Powys is a 15th century fortress that is built atop the treacherously rocky Hill Grey, that is considered part of the famous Ganjar-Tyrath Mountains, and overlooks and controls the villages/towns of Bordan, Greybourn, Kovent and Cartier in the Northern Crol province of Tyráth. Once a small manor-castle, it was inherited by the 15th-century Province-Lord of Tyrth, named Gararn de Powys, who ordered a major reconstruction of the once-quaint castle and paid for such with money extorted from the local populace.

Despite Lord Garam's hopes of living in the fortress of his design, he died in 1489 before the construction eventually ended. His son, Hans de Powys, continued the construction of the fortress and also incorporated features of their own design into the final result, such as multiple of the spires that make Castel de Powys stand out from similar fortresses. Aside from changing multiple parts of the castle's structure, they also founded the First Powys Court, the council of advisers that supported the de Powys Province-Lords from the 15th-17th centuries, who had their chambers constructed into the foundation of the castle's structure, beneath the visible fortress, of which no visual accounts exist outside of written documents.

In the 17th century, the de Powys line was sent into disarray when no living relative of the family could be found resulting in the castle being temporarily handed into the ownership of First Powys Council, who soon began to abuse this power by sacking nearby villages in the province of Ganjar, nearby. Once the next closest relative of the de Powys family was discovered, Lady Maryl de Powys of Astaerta, thirty years later, the First Powys Council was dissolved and a new one founded out of its ashes


Castel de Fyryd is an 11th century castle that is built into the cliffs of Buskar and overlooks the ocean, it is located in the South-East of the Buskar province of Cronaal and has no control over any settlements but once ruled over Port Fyryd from the late-11th to the mid-16th centuries before the castle was sacked and pillaged by Bander Grel in 1593. The castle was constructed in the 11th century by Lord-King Hammaeus IIV, as a means to begin a defence against the increasing problem of piracy in the body of water between Nirih and Buskar. Once construction was completed, complete control of the castle was given by the Royal-Marshall Lucius de Fyryd who pledged to eradicate the piracy on the Buskari coast.

In 1948, the de Fyryd line had died out entirely and the castle became a property of the ruling government, protected by the Crol Heritage Society. The spectacular castle has been visited by at least 50 million visitors since its opening to the public as a tourism spot and has been generously been left without an entry fee.