Due to that some had technical difficulties taking the online quizzes(their computer wasn't compatible or some other issue), I have posted this thread so they can fill it out.
Here is the Quiz in question. Position starts at 0,0,0.
“Everyone has to be equal in both cultural status and power standing if they are to have a decent life. A society lacking such equality will be fractured into disparate and rival classes.”(Add 14 to Equality)
“Equality needs to be promoted among all members of society. Everyone has to be equal in legal and political rights. Also differences in power standing must be minimised as much as is practical.”(+7 to Equality)
“We need to stress that the only equality that matters in Nationstates is equality of opportunity. Everyone deserves the chance to make a livelihood for themselves.”(-7 to Equality)
“Equality is an empty concept. How can everyone be equal if everyone is different? Everyone has conflicting desires that they will do anything to win. You have to defend yourself from those who want to take things away from you!”(-14 to Equality)
2. Select the statement which appeals most to you. If none of them appeal then move onto the next question.
“Liberty is the most important thing anyone can have and the right of everyone. It must be defended at all costs.”(+14 to Liberty)
“Liberty is important because it allows everyone to become the best they can be and live a life to which they are best suited. Naturally there are some limits to liberty but it is among the most important of principles.”(+7 to Liberty)
“Liberty is overrated. Loyalty to others is much more important than the freedom to do whatever you want. The groups you belong to make you who you are so you should always value them for that.”(-7 to Liberty)
“Liberty is dangerous for an orderly and united society. Everyone should do whatever they can to ensure that others behave as society expects them to.”(-14 to Liberty)
3. Select the statement which appeals most to you. If none of them appeal then move onto the next question.
“Stability is incredibly important. For a child routines and rules are vital and the same is so for adults. A structured way of life starts in the home but must extend to the wider world.”(+14 to Stability)
“Stability is important in that drastic change always produces hardship and confusion. Any change that occurs must be small and only happen if there is a blatant need. Time-honoured traditions have lasted a long time because they work.”(+7 to Stability)
“Stability is overrated. Old habits and practices can always be improved upon. Besides which change is refreshing and a natural part of life. As long as we can ensure that change is for the better then it is worthwhile.”(-7 to Stability)
“Stability is another word for stagnation and rigidity. In such an environment power accumulates and oppression becomes the norm. Change must be constant and vigorous. If ever you see complacency or conformity you must disrupt it.”(-14 to Stability)
4. Select the statement which appeals most to you. If none of them appeal then move onto the next question.
"The most important principle is power. Power is what gives strength and through power our wants and needs can be satisfied."(+14 to Power)
"Power is an important principle and allows for the fullfillment of our wants, needs, and desires. We should be mindful to promote the primacy of power politics while also preserving healthy competition between interest groups."(+7 to Power)
"Power is overrated. Our commitment to our principles must be our priority. It is our principles that give us strength."(-7 to Power)
"A focus on power is dangerous and should be avoided at all costs. The term 'Primacy of Power Politics' is just another word for unrestrained ambition and disregards basic ethics and morality.".(-14 to Power)
5. Select the statement which appeals most to you. If none of them appeal then move onto the next question.
“Interests are the most important thing and the deciding factor in our policy considerations. It must be defended against all dogmatists. We must be mindful of our circumstances at all times in order to fulfill our objectives.”(+14 to Interests)
“Interests are important because it allows everyone to act the best they can be and live a life according to their circumstances. Naturally there are some limits to Interest politics but it is among the most useful of principles.”(+7 to Interests)
“Interests are overrated. Principles are much more important than concerns about community interests and we should value our principles more than our objectives.”(-7 to Interests)
“Interests are dangerous for a principled community. The prioritization of interests is nothing more than "ends justify the means" philosophy and a moral and decent region would have nothing to do with interest politics.”(-14 to Interests)
6. Select the statement which appeals most to you. If none of them appeal then move onto the next question.
“We are nothing without the community. Nobody can live alone and everyone is shaped by their peers. We need everyone to recognise that they are part of the community and that the needs of that community are more important than any petty personal aspirations.”(+14 to Equality)
“We are all members of the community and need to be included in everything that membership involves. We all have the right to partake in its decision-making and the product of its labour.”(+7 to Equality)
“The Community is composed of different persons and groups and cannot be understood in terms of ‘the community as a whole’. The extent to which someone will fit into the community depends on how well they can negotiate its pitfalls to become a successful person.”(-7 to Equality)
“There is no such thing as 'the community'. We all live in different and conflicting groups and you have to insulate yourself from any groups hostile to your own interests.”(-14 to Equality)
7. Select the statement which appeals most to you. If none of them appeal then move onto the next question.
“Every individual is sovereign. Nobody can rule them but themselves and anyone who seeks to control others is an oppressor that must be resisted by those around them.”(+14 to Liberty)
"Individuality is very important. Everyone is different and the expression of those differences makes society vibrant and robust."(+7 to Liberty_
“The importance of individuality is exaggerated. Every person may be different but why do they have to fixate on that difference? It is the things we have in common that are important and help form the bonds that hold society together.”(-7 to Liberty)
“What is the individual? Anyone who stands out from the crowd is likely to be a malcontent or deviant. Given time a methodical and powerful state can remake everyone in its image. Everyone will be content once they have a defined role to fill.”(-14 to Liberty)
8. Select the statement which appeals most to you. If none of them appeal then move onto the next question.
“The state is of utmost importance. At its best the state takes the values of regional life and extends them to all relations and all conduct in society. The best role-models evoke feelings of parental loyalty in us. Your region is like family.”(+14 to Stability)
“Your region instills in you decent standards of behaviour. Society consists of many groupings and the role of the region in acting as a haven and in producing the next generation of Nationstates players should be recognised and supported.”(+7 to Stability)
“The region is important but we must recognise that it can take all sorts of forms rather than just the state. Regional relations are just one of the many kinds of relationships that can form in a diverse and tolerant society.”(-7 to Stability)
“The Region is just one of many institutions that work to oppress us. The region has been developed over time into something that instills in us subservience to authority and acceptance of abuse as a way of controlling us.”(-14 to Stability)
9. Select the statement which appeals most to you. If none of them appeal then move onto the next question.
"The Military is of utmost importance. It instills the values of strength and valour over weakness and gives us the ability to conquer all opposition. It is through the struggle that the truly great are made."(+14 to Power)
"The Military is an important institution, and is useful for obtaining society's needs. We should promote Martial values such as determination and duty to society and recognize it is a useful tool for the community."(+7 to Power)
"The Military is overrated. It should be seen only as a tool of the community and its influence on society kept to a minimum."(-7 to Power)
"The Military is a dangerous institution and a threat to common morality. It has no good reason to exist and creates only victims."(-14 to Power)
10. Select the statement which appeals most to you. If none of them appeal then move onto the next question.
"The organization is the most important instrument we have. It is useful, practical and natural that individuals form groups based on their combined interests to achieve their objectives. Our objectives should only be determined if it serves the interest of the organization and its constituents. Principles only impede the usefulness of the organization."(+14 to Interests)
"The organization is important but we must remember that it is only as capable as it fulfills the interests of its constituents and those constituents have principles we must compromise with to obtain our objectives."(+7 to Interests)
"Principles are more important. Organizations can serve the interests of their constituents but they need to carefully weigh the concerns of compromising their principles. With strong principles as the basis of policy aims, then the interests of the constituents will be met in due course."(-7 to Interests)
"In any Organization, principles are the most important. A focus on Interests detracts from organizational mission and dampens the passion of the constituents. Only with strong conviction can we obtain our objectives."(-14 to Interests)
11. Select the statement which appeals most to you. If none of them appeal then move onto the next question.
“It is vital that political power be owned communally. Only this will ensure that power in the community will be justly shared.”(+14 to Equality)
“Political power needs to be regulated to minimise hierarchy and divisiveness in society. Along with re-distributive forms of government this will ensure a more equitable society.”(+7 to Equality)
“Political Power can only be productive if it is held in private hands so that incentive exists for those who work hard to be rewarded. Anyone can have a stake in the rewards of productivity if they work and then invest some effort back into society. It is natural that some hierarchy develops.”(-7 to Equality)
“Political Power needs to be structured along strict hierarchical lines, with the rulers above to direct the masses. Some discriminatory measures will be needed to prevent enemy groups from siezing power. Some may call this unfair, but this is simply society's way of ensuring meritocracy.”(-14 to Equality)
12. Select the statement which appeals most to you. If none of them appeal then move onto the next question.
“The state and all things associated with it exist purely to oppress and degrade us. All manner of institutions exist simply to control us. The state only persists because it monopolises the tools of violence.”(+14 to Liberty)
“The state is a necessary tool and acts as a neutral arbiter between members of society. However its involvement in everyday life must be kept to a minimum and it must always act on the wishes of those it serves.”(+7 to Liberty)
“The state is important because it can promote ethical behaviour. It can also help to make life better by lending its support to projects of community renewal. Laws need to be drawn from accepted community standards.”(-7 to Liberty)
“The state is all-important to ensure discipline and order. The state is more than just some invention of humans. Rather it is an intrinsic part of any society – it effectively is society in a well-structured form.”(-14 to Liberty)
13. Select the statement which appeals most to you. If none of them appeal then move onto the next question.
“The past gives us everything that is worth having including a sense of belonging. We must defend our heritage from any insults or misinterpretations. History gives us a sense of purpose. Revered historic figures inspire us to be strong and brave.”(+14 to Stability)
“The past should be cherished but we can also recognise that our predecessors are flawed just like us. We can value the contribution they have made to our culture and institutions while also making our own contributions to the organic whole.”(+7 to Stability)
“It is important to understand the past. However it is risky to glorify the past or to allow for only one interpretation of history. Knowing history allows us to escape the mistakes of the past and do things better in the future.”(-7 to Stability)
“The past is whatever the powerful want it to be. Oppressors will tamper with the historic record to secure power. We have to record and nurture our own history. We also have to make history by challenging old assumptions and making a new world.”(-14 to Stability)
14. Select the statement which appeals most to you. If none of them appeal then move onto the next question.
"If a region is conquered, its community should be completely destroyed. Those who cannot win in war are simply weak and cowardly and deserve no pity. Only the strong are entitled to a regional community."(+14 to Power)
"Struggle and strife is fundamentally a productive action in Nationstates. It insures survival, strength, and vitality in a regional community."(+7 to Power)
"Not all conflict is inherently evil, but it must be curtailed in favor of more diplomatic solutions to political problems. It is necessary that rules of justice be drawn up in favor of the defeated side and followed by participants of Nationstates combat to prevent needless destruction of a region's community."(-7 to Power)
"Defending the weak against Invasion is a necessary and worthwhile action.for invading powers do not always regard with respect interregional rules of conflict. The invading power must be made to acquiesce to the rules of common justice, morality, and decency."(-14 to Power)
15. Select the statement which appeals most to you. If none of them appeal then move onto the next question.
"Circumstances should decide our policy, not principles. Complex situations require careful analysis of the characteristics of a given situation. Ideology only gets in the way of sound policy."(+14 to Interests)
"The unique circumstances of a given situation are important, but we shouldn't dismiss the usefulness of principles either. The myriad opinions of our constituents are just one of the characteristics we should consider in determining practical policy."(+7 to Interests)
"The circumstances of a situation are mostly irrelevant. it is the ideas at play that determine our course of action. With strength of ideas we can achieve our policy objectives."(-7 to Interests)
"Circumstances are irrelevant. Only Ideology matters! With Passion and conviction we can overcome the 'unique characteristics' of any situation."(-14 to Interests)
16. Select the statement which appeals most to you. If none of them appeal then move onto the next question.
"A friend in need is a friend indeed."(+7 to Both Equality and Stability)
"The Mods help those that help themselves."(+7 to Liberty and Stability)
"All must be free or none can be free."(+7 to Liberty and Equality
Here is the Quiz in question. Position starts at 0,0,0.
Complete Gameplay Alignment Quiz to get around Computer issues(Don't worry just post your answers to the form and I will calculate it and give the results!).
Equality Basics
1. Select the statement which appeals most to you. If none of them appeal then move onto the next question.“Everyone has to be equal in both cultural status and power standing if they are to have a decent life. A society lacking such equality will be fractured into disparate and rival classes.”(Add 14 to Equality)
“Equality needs to be promoted among all members of society. Everyone has to be equal in legal and political rights. Also differences in power standing must be minimised as much as is practical.”(+7 to Equality)
“We need to stress that the only equality that matters in Nationstates is equality of opportunity. Everyone deserves the chance to make a livelihood for themselves.”(-7 to Equality)
“Equality is an empty concept. How can everyone be equal if everyone is different? Everyone has conflicting desires that they will do anything to win. You have to defend yourself from those who want to take things away from you!”(-14 to Equality)
Liberty Basics
2. Select the statement which appeals most to you. If none of them appeal then move onto the next question.
“Liberty is the most important thing anyone can have and the right of everyone. It must be defended at all costs.”(+14 to Liberty)
“Liberty is important because it allows everyone to become the best they can be and live a life to which they are best suited. Naturally there are some limits to liberty but it is among the most important of principles.”(+7 to Liberty)
“Liberty is overrated. Loyalty to others is much more important than the freedom to do whatever you want. The groups you belong to make you who you are so you should always value them for that.”(-7 to Liberty)
“Liberty is dangerous for an orderly and united society. Everyone should do whatever they can to ensure that others behave as society expects them to.”(-14 to Liberty)
Stability Basics
3. Select the statement which appeals most to you. If none of them appeal then move onto the next question.
“Stability is incredibly important. For a child routines and rules are vital and the same is so for adults. A structured way of life starts in the home but must extend to the wider world.”(+14 to Stability)
“Stability is important in that drastic change always produces hardship and confusion. Any change that occurs must be small and only happen if there is a blatant need. Time-honoured traditions have lasted a long time because they work.”(+7 to Stability)
“Stability is overrated. Old habits and practices can always be improved upon. Besides which change is refreshing and a natural part of life. As long as we can ensure that change is for the better then it is worthwhile.”(-7 to Stability)
“Stability is another word for stagnation and rigidity. In such an environment power accumulates and oppression becomes the norm. Change must be constant and vigorous. If ever you see complacency or conformity you must disrupt it.”(-14 to Stability)
Power Basics
4. Select the statement which appeals most to you. If none of them appeal then move onto the next question.
"The most important principle is power. Power is what gives strength and through power our wants and needs can be satisfied."(+14 to Power)
"Power is an important principle and allows for the fullfillment of our wants, needs, and desires. We should be mindful to promote the primacy of power politics while also preserving healthy competition between interest groups."(+7 to Power)
"Power is overrated. Our commitment to our principles must be our priority. It is our principles that give us strength."(-7 to Power)
"A focus on power is dangerous and should be avoided at all costs. The term 'Primacy of Power Politics' is just another word for unrestrained ambition and disregards basic ethics and morality.".(-14 to Power)
Interests Basics
5. Select the statement which appeals most to you. If none of them appeal then move onto the next question.
“Interests are the most important thing and the deciding factor in our policy considerations. It must be defended against all dogmatists. We must be mindful of our circumstances at all times in order to fulfill our objectives.”(+14 to Interests)
“Interests are important because it allows everyone to act the best they can be and live a life according to their circumstances. Naturally there are some limits to Interest politics but it is among the most useful of principles.”(+7 to Interests)
“Interests are overrated. Principles are much more important than concerns about community interests and we should value our principles more than our objectives.”(-7 to Interests)
“Interests are dangerous for a principled community. The prioritization of interests is nothing more than "ends justify the means" philosophy and a moral and decent region would have nothing to do with interest politics.”(-14 to Interests)
6. Select the statement which appeals most to you. If none of them appeal then move onto the next question.
“We are nothing without the community. Nobody can live alone and everyone is shaped by their peers. We need everyone to recognise that they are part of the community and that the needs of that community are more important than any petty personal aspirations.”(+14 to Equality)
“We are all members of the community and need to be included in everything that membership involves. We all have the right to partake in its decision-making and the product of its labour.”(+7 to Equality)
“The Community is composed of different persons and groups and cannot be understood in terms of ‘the community as a whole’. The extent to which someone will fit into the community depends on how well they can negotiate its pitfalls to become a successful person.”(-7 to Equality)
“There is no such thing as 'the community'. We all live in different and conflicting groups and you have to insulate yourself from any groups hostile to your own interests.”(-14 to Equality)
Personal Autonomy
7. Select the statement which appeals most to you. If none of them appeal then move onto the next question.
“Every individual is sovereign. Nobody can rule them but themselves and anyone who seeks to control others is an oppressor that must be resisted by those around them.”(+14 to Liberty)
"Individuality is very important. Everyone is different and the expression of those differences makes society vibrant and robust."(+7 to Liberty_
“The importance of individuality is exaggerated. Every person may be different but why do they have to fixate on that difference? It is the things we have in common that are important and help form the bonds that hold society together.”(-7 to Liberty)
“What is the individual? Anyone who stands out from the crowd is likely to be a malcontent or deviant. Given time a methodical and powerful state can remake everyone in its image. Everyone will be content once they have a defined role to fill.”(-14 to Liberty)
The Region
8. Select the statement which appeals most to you. If none of them appeal then move onto the next question.
“The state is of utmost importance. At its best the state takes the values of regional life and extends them to all relations and all conduct in society. The best role-models evoke feelings of parental loyalty in us. Your region is like family.”(+14 to Stability)
“Your region instills in you decent standards of behaviour. Society consists of many groupings and the role of the region in acting as a haven and in producing the next generation of Nationstates players should be recognised and supported.”(+7 to Stability)
“The region is important but we must recognise that it can take all sorts of forms rather than just the state. Regional relations are just one of the many kinds of relationships that can form in a diverse and tolerant society.”(-7 to Stability)
“The Region is just one of many institutions that work to oppress us. The region has been developed over time into something that instills in us subservience to authority and acceptance of abuse as a way of controlling us.”(-14 to Stability)
The Military
9. Select the statement which appeals most to you. If none of them appeal then move onto the next question.
"The Military is of utmost importance. It instills the values of strength and valour over weakness and gives us the ability to conquer all opposition. It is through the struggle that the truly great are made."(+14 to Power)
"The Military is an important institution, and is useful for obtaining society's needs. We should promote Martial values such as determination and duty to society and recognize it is a useful tool for the community."(+7 to Power)
"The Military is overrated. It should be seen only as a tool of the community and its influence on society kept to a minimum."(-7 to Power)
"The Military is a dangerous institution and a threat to common morality. It has no good reason to exist and creates only victims."(-14 to Power)
Organizational Focus
10. Select the statement which appeals most to you. If none of them appeal then move onto the next question.
"The organization is the most important instrument we have. It is useful, practical and natural that individuals form groups based on their combined interests to achieve their objectives. Our objectives should only be determined if it serves the interest of the organization and its constituents. Principles only impede the usefulness of the organization."(+14 to Interests)
"The organization is important but we must remember that it is only as capable as it fulfills the interests of its constituents and those constituents have principles we must compromise with to obtain our objectives."(+7 to Interests)
"Principles are more important. Organizations can serve the interests of their constituents but they need to carefully weigh the concerns of compromising their principles. With strong principles as the basis of policy aims, then the interests of the constituents will be met in due course."(-7 to Interests)
"In any Organization, principles are the most important. A focus on Interests detracts from organizational mission and dampens the passion of the constituents. Only with strong conviction can we obtain our objectives."(-14 to Interests)
11. Select the statement which appeals most to you. If none of them appeal then move onto the next question.
“It is vital that political power be owned communally. Only this will ensure that power in the community will be justly shared.”(+14 to Equality)
“Political power needs to be regulated to minimise hierarchy and divisiveness in society. Along with re-distributive forms of government this will ensure a more equitable society.”(+7 to Equality)
“Political Power can only be productive if it is held in private hands so that incentive exists for those who work hard to be rewarded. Anyone can have a stake in the rewards of productivity if they work and then invest some effort back into society. It is natural that some hierarchy develops.”(-7 to Equality)
“Political Power needs to be structured along strict hierarchical lines, with the rulers above to direct the masses. Some discriminatory measures will be needed to prevent enemy groups from siezing power. Some may call this unfair, but this is simply society's way of ensuring meritocracy.”(-14 to Equality)
The Limited State
12. Select the statement which appeals most to you. If none of them appeal then move onto the next question.
“The state and all things associated with it exist purely to oppress and degrade us. All manner of institutions exist simply to control us. The state only persists because it monopolises the tools of violence.”(+14 to Liberty)
“The state is a necessary tool and acts as a neutral arbiter between members of society. However its involvement in everyday life must be kept to a minimum and it must always act on the wishes of those it serves.”(+7 to Liberty)
“The state is important because it can promote ethical behaviour. It can also help to make life better by lending its support to projects of community renewal. Laws need to be drawn from accepted community standards.”(-7 to Liberty)
“The state is all-important to ensure discipline and order. The state is more than just some invention of humans. Rather it is an intrinsic part of any society – it effectively is society in a well-structured form.”(-14 to Liberty)
13. Select the statement which appeals most to you. If none of them appeal then move onto the next question.
“The past gives us everything that is worth having including a sense of belonging. We must defend our heritage from any insults or misinterpretations. History gives us a sense of purpose. Revered historic figures inspire us to be strong and brave.”(+14 to Stability)
“The past should be cherished but we can also recognise that our predecessors are flawed just like us. We can value the contribution they have made to our culture and institutions while also making our own contributions to the organic whole.”(+7 to Stability)
“It is important to understand the past. However it is risky to glorify the past or to allow for only one interpretation of history. Knowing history allows us to escape the mistakes of the past and do things better in the future.”(-7 to Stability)
“The past is whatever the powerful want it to be. Oppressors will tamper with the historic record to secure power. We have to record and nurture our own history. We also have to make history by challenging old assumptions and making a new world.”(-14 to Stability)
Conflict Stance
14. Select the statement which appeals most to you. If none of them appeal then move onto the next question.
"If a region is conquered, its community should be completely destroyed. Those who cannot win in war are simply weak and cowardly and deserve no pity. Only the strong are entitled to a regional community."(+14 to Power)
"Struggle and strife is fundamentally a productive action in Nationstates. It insures survival, strength, and vitality in a regional community."(+7 to Power)
"Not all conflict is inherently evil, but it must be curtailed in favor of more diplomatic solutions to political problems. It is necessary that rules of justice be drawn up in favor of the defeated side and followed by participants of Nationstates combat to prevent needless destruction of a region's community."(-7 to Power)
"Defending the weak against Invasion is a necessary and worthwhile action.for invading powers do not always regard with respect interregional rules of conflict. The invading power must be made to acquiesce to the rules of common justice, morality, and decency."(-14 to Power)
15. Select the statement which appeals most to you. If none of them appeal then move onto the next question.
"Circumstances should decide our policy, not principles. Complex situations require careful analysis of the characteristics of a given situation. Ideology only gets in the way of sound policy."(+14 to Interests)
"The unique circumstances of a given situation are important, but we shouldn't dismiss the usefulness of principles either. The myriad opinions of our constituents are just one of the characteristics we should consider in determining practical policy."(+7 to Interests)
"The circumstances of a situation are mostly irrelevant. it is the ideas at play that determine our course of action. With strength of ideas we can achieve our policy objectives."(-7 to Interests)
"Circumstances are irrelevant. Only Ideology matters! With Passion and conviction we can overcome the 'unique characteristics' of any situation."(-14 to Interests)
Throw a Spanner into the Works
16. Select the statement which appeals most to you. If none of them appeal then move onto the next question.
"A friend in need is a friend indeed."(+7 to Both Equality and Stability)
"The Mods help those that help themselves."(+7 to Liberty and Stability)
"All must be free or none can be free."(+7 to Liberty and Equality
Pro-Equality=Communist/Socialist/State Capitalist
Anti-Stability=Cosmopolitan/Bomb-throwing Anarchist
Pro-Interests+Pro-Power+Equality+Stability=TNP Independent
Pro-Interests+Anti-Power+Pro-Equality=Belschaftian Independent
Pro-Interests+Pro-Power+Pro-Equality+Stability=Zennyist Independent
Pro-Interests+Anti-Stability+Anti-Equality+Anti-Liberty=Cormacist Independent
Pro-Interests+Pro-Power+Pro-Stability+Anti-Equality=Onderkelkian Imperialist
Anti-Interests+Anti-Power+Pro-Liberty+Equality+Anti-Stability=Unibotian Defender
Anti-Interests+Anti-Power+Pro-Stability=10000 Islands Defender
Pro-Liberty+Pro-Equality=Libertarian Socialist
Pro-Liberty+Pro-Stability=Liberal Conservative
Pro-Liberty+Pro-Stability+Anti-Equality=Donald Trump Supporter
Pro-Equality+Pro-Stability+Pro-Power=Hillary Clinton
Or just use this.
Pro-Equality=Communist/Socialist/State Capitalist
Anti-Stability=Cosmopolitan/Bomb-throwing Anarchist
Pro-Interests+Pro-Power+Equality+Stability=TNP Independent
Pro-Interests+Anti-Power+Pro-Equality=Belschaftian Independent
Pro-Interests+Pro-Power+Pro-Equality+Stability=Zennyist Independent
Pro-Interests+Anti-Stability+Anti-Equality+Anti-Liberty=Cormacist Independent
Pro-Interests+Pro-Power+Pro-Stability+Anti-Equality=Onderkelkian Imperialist
Anti-Interests+Anti-Power+Pro-Liberty+Equality+Anti-Stability=Unibotian Defender
Anti-Interests+Anti-Power+Pro-Stability=10000 Islands Defender
Pro-Liberty+Pro-Equality=Libertarian Socialist
Pro-Liberty+Pro-Stability=Liberal Conservative
Pro-Liberty+Pro-Stability+Anti-Equality=Donald Trump Supporter
Pro-Equality+Pro-Stability+Pro-Power=Hillary Clinton
Or just use this.