

Nickname(s)?: Don't have any, so far.
Main Nation?: Drakeston
RL Country?: USA
Favourite Colour(s)?: Red
Do you use IRC?: Nope.
Political Ideology? Liberal, Conservative, Anarchist, do you care?: Democratic Libertarian-ish something or other.
Do you enjoy Roleplay or forum games?: Depends on the game, lol.

Anyway, hello all.

I joined NationStates about a year ago. Went through months worth of issues that put my economy through some fairly amusing and turbulent times. I eventually got bored with the issues and stopped checking on them, which led to my nation becoming inactive for a few months.

I recently reactivated my nation and moved it to the North Pacific with the hopes of getting involved with regional politics, which I've wanted to do since I joined NS. I look forward to getting to know everyone and contributing what I can.

~ D