Hey guys, I'm new around here, but I've been around NS for a little while now.
Nickname(s)?: Sam, I really don't get called too much else
Main Nation?: SJS Republic
RL Country?: Australia
Favourite Colour(s)?: Green
Do you use IRC?: A little bit, I prefer Discord.
Do you enjoy Roleplay or forum games?: I'd like to roleplay, but I've never really had time to do so, and I don't mind forum games.
Introductions really are hard to write
Nickname(s)?: Sam, I really don't get called too much else

Main Nation?: SJS Republic
RL Country?: Australia
Favourite Colour(s)?: Green
Do you use IRC?: A little bit, I prefer Discord.
Do you enjoy Roleplay or forum games?: I'd like to roleplay, but I've never really had time to do so, and I don't mind forum games.
Introductions really are hard to write