We, the Kingdom of Plembobria and the Republic of Lorbank, (hereinafter referred to as “the Parties”) together in solidarity, recognizing the harmonious relationship of our peoples, and seeking greater globalization, do hereby agree to this treaty.
Article I: Agreement regarding visas
- Citizens of the parties, bearing passports for their respective states, shall not be required to obtain visas before visiting the other state for a minimum of ninety days.
- This section shall not be construed to deny the right of either party to prohibit the right of specific persons to enter their borders for reasons of public safety, national security, or any other such reason which the appropriate government authorities of that party shall think proper.
Article II: Agreement regarding persons criminally accused
- A person charged in either party with any crime, who shall flee from justice, and be found in the other shall, on demand of the appropriate authority of the state from which they fled, be delivered up to the state having jurisdiction of the crime.
Article III: Agreement regarding trade
- Neither party shall impose tariffs, imposts, duties, tolls or any other monetary penalty on the importation of goods or services from the other.
- This section shall not be construed to deny the right of either party to prohibit the importation of certain goods or services which that party shall think proper to prohibit.
- Neither party shall offer monetary incentives or rewards to any private organization or corporation for the exportation of goods or services to the other.
- Neither party shall intentionally manipulate the value of their respective currency in order to disproportionately benefit from the free trade of goods and services.
Agreed to on the 12th day of May, Two-Thousand and Sixteen.