Ministry of Education Policy - Regarding RMB Guardians
The Regional Message Board Guardians, or the RMB Guardians, are nations selected by the Delegate to act as an extension of our government and guide, assist, and monitor nations in our onsite region.
The function of the RMB Guardians is to answer questions of newer nations, assist and guide members to our offsite forum, and lastly, to monitor the region and inform either the Delegate or Vice Delegate of nations that are acting out of line.
Their function is not to suppress posts, but rather, help guide those that have the power to, to look into the posts and make a decision based on the guidance of the RMB Guardians.
Another function of the RMB Guardians is to spark non-spam conversation. Usually this can be done by just asking someone's favorite [blank] and the whole RMB will be alive with answers about how they think pepperoni is better than cheese on pizza, or that they think Harper Lee is better than F. Scott Fitzgerald.
Unlike the Delegate, Vice Delegate, and the Cabinet, the RMB Guardians do not have the power to suppress posts. They can, however, bring the posts in question to either the Delegate or VD, and the choice will be made by them on whether the post is worthy or not.
They also don't have the power to ban, eject, or banject, that is a right exclusively given to the Delegate.
The powers given to the RMB Guardians is that they can speak on behalf of the Delegate and Vice Delegate to tell nations to either move on from a topic, or to quit spamming/adspamming/et cetera. They should act as RMB moderators, but not overstep their bounds on power.
As stated above, RMB Guardians do not have the power to suppress or banject posts, so RMB Guardians will have to be constructive with their warnings, and use their words to coerce nations to quit spamming/adspamming/et cetera, and rely less on regional officer power to handle the issues of the RMB.
RMB Guardians have to be very active in order to do their duty. If a RMB Guardian is not active, the RMB will suddenly move into a natural state of disarray. Guardians should be aware of this issue, and adjust accordingly.