Hello people!


Winter Phantom
TNP Nation

I decided to sign myself up for this region, just so I could meet new people and interact with my fellow North Pacificans, I do hope to make it towards a higher position in this region, as I have always found myself wanting that leadership role more than anything. It is great to be here and I cannot wait for what the future holds.
Hello (again)! And welcome to TNP. Shooting for a higher position is a great idea; as soon as you're a citizen, shimmy your way over to the Executive Staff topic and see if there's a place for you there. I signed up form WA ministry and Communications personally. I bet you can guess what I got in to :3
Thanks for the encouragement, I'll check out the Executive Staff topic as soon as I have the time to do so, but for now, thanks for such a good welcoming!
Hello Kasch! My name is Bootsie, and I am the Vice Delegate of TNP. I'm glad to see you shooting for the stars, and I can personally tell you from experience, keep your eye on the prize and follow it up with hard work and dedication, you'll definitely soar...or swim...whatever fits this whole aquatic theme.
What a privilege it is to talk with someone of such high authority! Thanks for being so kind and welcoming, it really gives me that extra bit of confidence. I do hope to aim for a position in which I can help improve the region, but for now, as I climb that almighty ladder, I shall keep posting and endorsing other nations.

It means a lot to speak with you, Bootsie.