ARCHIVED: Agreement on Human Rights

St George

RolePlay Moderator
Deputy Speaker
He/Him, They/Them
OOC: apologies for my absence. Man was sick.
The new Chairwoman of the Democratic Union entered the assembly, accompanied by a small flurry of aides and advisers. Since winning the elections over the incumbent Plembobrians, Teofilo Tsanka had been hard at work reviewing the body of DU law. Thus far, they had ideas to amend or replace most of the existing body of DU law. Tsanka ascended the podium, and addressed delegates.

"Before I begin I'd just like to thank delegates for their patience over the past few days. The act of reviewing all parts of the body of law that the Democratic Union has past in its existence is not one that can be done in haste, however I agree with those of you who feel the process has begun much too slowly. It is my belief that it will speed up now."

Tsanka looked down to her notes briefly. "The many nations of the Democratic Union are all different, each with unique and vibrant cultures and traditions, and the Democratic Union will welcome many more nations - each also with unique cultures and traditions - and thus finding common ground on complex issues such as human rights can be difficult. Some argue that it is impossible. I disagree, and I'm sure you do as well."

"One school of thought holds that in international agreements it is always better to go for complex, specific wording and clauses, to ensure that all parties are held... hostage, almost, to the agreement. I am, and so is my home nation of Naizerre, of the opposite school, believing that more general, simpler clauses are key to ensuring compliance. With that in mind, I am proposing the following be adopted into Democratic Union law. These are not requirements, but expectations. This is the minimum, we believe, that all nations within our organisation, abide by and aspire to, with further rights encouraged in exchange for greater responsibility from our citizens.

I now open the floor for critique and comment"
All peoples of recognised nations are born free.

All peoples of recognised nations are entitled to the rights and freedoms set forth in this document, without distinaction of any kind, including but not limited to race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status

All peoples of recognised nations have the right to life, liberty and security of person.

No one shall be held in slavery, and the slave trade in all its forms is prohibited.

No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel or degrading punishment or treatment.

All peoples of recognised nations shall be acknowledges as such in all places.

All peoples of recognised nations are equal before the law and are entitled to equal protection of the law and against any discrimination.

All peoples of recognised nations have the right to an effective remedy by the competent national tribunals for acts violating the fundamental rights granted by this document.

All peoples of recognised nations shall not be subjected to arbitrary arrest or detention.

All peoples of recognised nations have the right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty in a fair and free hearing.

All peoples of recognised nations have the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of their nation.

All peoples of recognised nations have the right to seek asylum in other recognised nations.

All peoples of recognised nations have the right to pursue freely the ideals of happiness and well-being.

All peoples of recognised nations have the right to freely express themselves within reasonable restrictions.

All peoples of recognised nations have the right to freely assemble and associate peacefully with any of person.

All peoples of recognised nations have the right to a free education, to seek work freely, and to protection against unemployment.

The rights handed down in this document shall be interpreted by an International Court of Human Rights where all peoples of recognised nations may apply to be heard.
The Empire finds no problem with this resolution regarding its core material, though we would rather see this added as an amendment to the Democratic Union constitution. Nations which are not a member of this Union could very well see it as a breach of national sovereignty due to its wording: "All recognized nations" rather than "All Democratic Union member states".
"We are not proposing this as an amendment to the constitution, rather as a law in its own right. Further, the use of "recognised nations" is to ensure that the rights set out in this document are extended to all citizens or peoples of non-DU nations residing within DU nations."
"Thank you for the clarification. The Empire finds no further problems with this resolution."
Ninirassour read through a translated copy of the proposal before speaking. He read with lips pursed, and his brow furrowed occasionally.

"The All-House Union has a few... quibbles with this document that, although minor, would disallow me from signing if not addressed.

First, the freedom of movement clause, as written, conflicts with Myrorian laws mandating the use of internal passports among resident aliens and non-citizens, as well as laws forbidding resident aliens and foreign-born citizens alike from residing near holy sites. These laws are in accordance with hundreds of years of Myrorian tradition regarding the humane monitoring of foreigners and the sacred places of the our religion.

In addition, they are necessary for the safety and security of natural-born Myrorian citizens, who have an inalienable and primary right to our land. Total, ah, freedom of movement," Ninirassour said, almost with a scoff, "would allow foreigners and resident aliens total access to a land that is not their own.

Related to this is the clause regarding freedom to work. The All-House Union's immigrant-employee quotas are over one-hundred years old, and are a necessary part of ensuring that Myrorian jobs go to Myrorian people. There would be veritable riots in Pelagis and Omaryseth if the government was forced to tell thousands of hard-working Myrorians that their jobs could be instead given to an immigrant.

If foreigners who come to Myroria want to gain all the benefits and responsibilities of its natural-born citizens, they can join the Foreign Corps and earn them through a complete tour of duty, or through the doctrine of spilled blood. But the Union cannot sign this document which, as it stands, would disrupt our sacred traditions and holy ancestral sites."
"All peoples of recognised nations shall be acknowledges as such in all places."


The Allied States and Xentherida are currently unable to comply with this "human right." Just saying.
The silent and unnoticed Ambassador looked from the proposal to around the table:

"Am I correct to assume this is still under consideration. The silence is deafening."
The Monarchical Confederacy of Yfyfhjgiuftgh finds no problems with the law except as written in our laws immigrants are not allowed into our country's military and the congress of the confederation has no intention to change this law.