ARCHIVED: Naizerre For Chair

St George

RolePlay Moderator
Deputy Speaker
He/Him, They/Them
"Naizerre is new to the Democratic Union," Teofilo Tsanka began, addressing the Democratic Union Assembly. "But it is not new to the democratic ideal, nor the ideals that go along with it. Liberty, equality, fraternity, so the phrase goes. Naizerre has operated some form of democracy in one way or another for over a thousand years, but it has always sought to evolve that democracy. It has sought to reform what needs reforming, abolish what needs abolishing and liberalising what needs liberalising. It is these qualities that the Chair of the Democratic Union needs, to evolve our own organisation. It is these qualities that Naizerre would bring to the Chair."

Tsanka looked around the room as she spoke. "Our constitution is bare-bones and uncomplicated. It needs serious revising. Already we abolished the post of speaker, when its occupant refused to do the tasks we as an assembly expected of them. To do this we went around the constitution and exploited what is not written, rather than what is, just as the former speaker did when refusing to do the job we expected them to. This must not happen again, and so we, Naizerre, will work with you to examine all of our laws, all of our institutions, to improve what we have, add what we need, and remove what we need to."

"In the early days of this institution, it passed both a Proclamation of Free Trade and a Collective Defense Agreement. These were laws passed with noble intentions but have, in reality, failed their purpose. The Proclamation of Free Trade has allowed certain nations to profit from instability and prevented others from protecting their economy. The Collective Defense Agreement has problems from top to bottom. Indeed, Naizerre was in violation of this Agreement since it joined the DU, up until the culmination of the peace talks over the Rhuvish Crisis. No action in defence of the Empire of Syrixia came, despite the CDA. We must look at ways to ensure we make meaningful contributions to the defence of our brother and sister members of this Union."

"Finally, we must work to ensure that we protect the most vulnerable members of our nations, with the institution of a Union wide declaration of human rights. Naizerre will be presenting a draft of this for feedback and debate at the end of the elections, but in our document, we would make the Court of the Democratic Union empowered to enforce this declaration, with the powers to suspend the membership of nations that violate it."

Tsanka looked around the room once more. "It is Naizerre's intention to bring these reforms whether it wins the Chair or not, but we believe that they can be best accomplished with our guiding hand on the process, working together with this assembly to both open up the Democratic Union to more nations and to strengthen the democratic institutions within member states, so that a nation joining the DU that might not be considered democratic will, with our help, be on the road to being a free, open democracy that truly embodies that old phrase of liberty, equality, fraternity. Thank you."