At Vote:[GA] Repeal "Nuclear Material Safeguards" [Complete]

Repeal "Nuclear Material Safeguards"
A resolution to repeal previously passed legislation.
Category: Repeal
Resolution: GA#351
Proposed by: Wrapper

Description: WA General Assembly Resolution #351: Nuclear Material Safeguards (Category: International Security; Strength: Mild) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.


The General Assembly:

AFFIRMING that the security of nuclear weaponry and materials is necessary to prevent their acquisition and use by terrorist organizations;

REGRETTING that GAR#351, "Nuclear Material Safeguards", is flawed in its attempt to accomplish this goal;

ALARMED that clause 4 enables poorer nations, tinpot dictators and outlaw states who nevertheless have obtained nuclear technology by ill-gotten means to receive funding and technological assistance from the World Assembly as a reward for doing so;

CONCERNED that the phrase "the wrong hands" as referenced in clauses 3 and 4 is undefined and that "the wrong hands" is a fatally flawed concept since, in a conflict between two nations or groups of nations, each side would subjectively consider the other "the wrong hands";

DISTRESSED that clause 2, which allows for such technology to be bought and sold, in fact does not serve to secure intellectual property associated with nuclear weapons and reactors, and instead promotes the dissemination of intellectual property, thereby increasing, not reducing, the chances of such knowledge getting into "the wrong hands", which contravenes the aims of the resolution;

AGHAST that the net effect of GAR#351 would result in the eventual dissemination of nuclear secrets to non-WA nations, which outnumber member nations by about six to one;

HOPING that this well-intentioned but indefensible resolution will be replaced by one that genuinely serves to secure nuclear technology and materials;

HEREBY repeals GAR#351, "Nuclear Material Safeguards".

Please vote: For, Against, Abstain, or Present.

(reminder: a For vote means you want to remove the target resolution from the books)
Aye. We find it amusing and disappointing that the resolution concludes with a "hope" that a better replacement will take the place of this admittedly flawed resolution. Would it have been too much trouble for the drafter to simply draft a better resolution, and put it forward to replace the existing nuclear materials controls? We gently suggest that the Stargate Region should consider increasing its focus on education so that its member states might put forth more efficient resolutions in the future.
Aye. We find it amusing and disappointing that the resolution concludes with a "hope" that a better replacement will take the place of this admittedly flawed resolution. Would it have been too much trouble for the drafter to simply draft a better resolution, and put it forward to replace the existing nuclear materials controls? We gently suggest that the Stargate Region should consider increasing its focus on education so that its member states might put forth more efficient resolutions in the future.
You need to repeal this before you can propose new legislation. Additionally, amendments are not allowed, unfortunately.

Repeal, then replace. Unless you're ultra-careful, you can't really replace before you repeal in the GA.
Voting on this resolution has ended.

Thanks to those nations who cast their votes. Your participation is a great help to the region.

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