Hello and Help


Hello everyone (just reactivaed my account)

(not sure if this is where i should say this) Well still deciding whether to go here or go to the New pacific order, im attracted in this region cuz its incredibly active and also the NPO looks really interesting so its a hard decision for me.

Opinions plss

TNP is...to put it in simpler terms, you definitely have more opportunity to rise and be integrated into TNP's community than the NPO's, or any other one for that matter. This answer does not come without bias, as this is a region that I adore to a high degree, but out of the many regions that I've been in and seen, there is not one that's more active and friendlier. So do stay, or if you want, you could always be a citizen of both regions.
Stay! As a serial return-ee (?), uh, someone who's come and gone a lot, TNP has always been incredibly welcoming.

Furthermore, having visited the NPO, opportunity to get involved with the on-forum community presents itself much more openly here.