William Kudrow
United Kingdom Foreign Office:
36th Premiership of the United Kingdom
Monarch:HM Queen Constance I
Prince of Wales:HRH Prince Michael
***Prime Minister: Tony Benn
Chancellor of the Exchequer: Tony Benn
Home Secretary: Casimir Saint-Pierre
Foreign Secretary: Charles M.S. Fraser
Defence Secretary: Tony Benn
Culture Secretary: Andrew B. Fraser
Director of MI5: Andrew B. Fraser
Attorney General: Richard North
WA Delegate: HM Queen Constance I
***Chief Justice: Vacant
Sr. Associate Justice: Daniel C. A. North
Jr. Associate Justice: Vacant
40th Session of Parliament
Lords of Parliament
HRH The Prince of Wales
HL The Earl of Warwick
Lord Benn (I)
Lord Fraser (PA)
Lord Saint-Pierre (PA)
Speaker of the House of Commons
William Kudrow
***Majority: No Organized Majority
Loyal Opposition: No Organized Minority
Election Day:Election Day, January 2015
With the Resignation of Prime Minister Andrew Fraser, and no Deputy Prime Minister, Home Secretary Leonardo took over as interim Prime Minister while the Queen called for a General Election to be held on January 4, 2015. For Prime Minister, veteran Tony Been (Independent) through his hat in the ring along with Misael Gamez of the Green Party. As for the House of Lords, a fierce competition took place between William Bettingham (Independent), Casmir Badin (Pragmatic Alliance), Andrew Fraser (Pragmatic Alliance), Victoria Somerset (Independent), Tony Benn (Independent), and Misawl Gamez (Green Party). All the candidates were well rounded and ready to help United Kingdom reclaim its former glory, but only three lords and one Prime Minister could emerge.
After receiving the three highest vote counts, Andrew B. Fraser, Tony Benn, and Casimir Saint-Pierre were elected to the House of Lords. William Bettingham, though not receiving seat in the Lords, won an uncontested election for Speaker of the House of Commons. As for the Premiership, Tony Benn won in a landslide, receiving 73.3% of the vote. After a hard fought campaign, Mr. Gamez to wish Prime Minister Benn best of luck.
Prime Minister’s Opening Remarks:Prime Minister’s Opening Remarks
In his first address to the nation, Prime Minister Benn laid out his Cabinet and got right to work implementing his manifesto.
PM's Remarks:Her Majesty the Queen has asked me to form a government and I have accepted.
It is an honour for me to serve as Prime Minister in the region that is most dear to me and the one where my journey began on NationStates. Therefore I first of all give my thanks to everyone who voted for me to occupy this position.
As of recent, the region has faced some of its darkest moments and thanks to the work of a number of individuals, namely our caretaker governments of late, we have managed to show some glimmers of progress. I would like to pay especial tribute to Andrew whose dedication to the United Kingdom is absolute and I know he shall continue this in his work in government.
We have welcomed several new citizens and it shall be the task of this government to ensure their stay is a pleasant and enjoyable one, as well as looking at what we can do to attract others. Our main task will be to implement forum reforms and input from our citizens will be required as we take measures to improve our community.
To support these plans I am announcing my Cabinet. I hope too to involve new faces in the region into the work of government and those that have an interest my message me personally. The position of Defence Secretary shall not be filled in line with my manifesto commitments and an announcement will be made on the Ministry of Defence shortly.
Thank you and here's to a prosperous 2016 for our region.
Tony Benn
Prime Minister
Ambassador Shake Up
William Kudrow:
The North Pacific
The Rejected Realms
Allied States
Misael Gamez:
British Isles
The Communist Bloc
The New Galactic Empire
Charles Fraser:
The Kingdom of Great Britain
The Land of Kings and Emperors
Tony Benn
United Commonwealth
Casimir Saint-Pierre:
European Union
This update was brought to you by the
~ Ministry of Foreign Affairs ~
on behalf of Her Majesty, Her Government and Her Citizens.
Respectfully, British Diplomatic Service