The Frozen Realm of Wintreath
The Monthly Report - February 2016
The Monthly Report - February 2016
This is the monthly report
Gives you the long and the short
Every grunt, roar, and snort
Not a tale we distort
On the monthly report
The Monthly Report is a new publication meant to give our residents, Citizens, and friends a snapshot of the current state of the region and all the recent events that have went on over the past month. It's meant to be a quick and easy read, to supplement our other publications, The Frozen Realm Record (internal) and The Orendi (external). We hope you will find this report informative and interesting! The Monthly Report was inspired by the 10000 Islands Monthly Emissary Update.
Demographics and Activity
As of 1 February 2016
Nations: 484
Citizens: 98
Delegate Endorsements: 52
January Avatar of the Month: Star Wars
January Game of the Month: Sunrider: Mask of Arcadius
December Wintreath's Finest: Laurentus
2015 Wintreath's Finest: Laurentus
The Monarchy (Executive)
Monarch: Wintermoot
Prince: Chanku
Jarls: Pengu (Culture), Chanku (Defense), Wintermoot (Foreign Affairs), HannahB (Information), Point Breeze (Integration), Reon (WA Affairs)
Thanes: Sapphiron (Culture), Reon (Culture), Point Breeze (WA Affairs)
The Storting (Legislature)
Underhusen Speaker: Sapphiron
Underhusen Skrifa: taulover, HannahB, Laurentus, Barnes, BraveSirRobin
Overhusen Chairman: Wuufu
Overhusen Peers: Wintermoot, Joshua Bluteisen, Colberius X
January Message Activity
January Forum Posts: 3,396 (+185% from January 2015)
January Forum Topics: 94 (+24% from January 2015)
January RMB Posts: 190 (+129% from January 2015)
January Top Ten Topics
10. Regional Civilization V Games - 66 posts
9. Count to 1000 - 84 posts
8. Count to 2000 - 109 posts
7. From the Ashes: A Galactic Nations RP! (OOC) - 128 posts
6. Last Letter Game - 151 posts
5. Frostbite Tavern - 151 posts
4. Say What's On Your Mind - 167 posts
3. Word Association - 184 posts
2. Guess who will post next! - 193 posts
1. Double Post Game (Round 4) - 778 posts
January Top Ten Posters
10. Chanku - 136 posts
9. xXTheHydraXx - 146 posts
8. tatte - 156 posts
7. North - 186 posts
6. Sapphiron - 216 posts
5. BraveSirRobin - 216 posts
4. Wintermoot - 293 posts
3. Rasdanation - 297 posts
2. taulover - 302 posts
1. Govindia - 478 posts
Regional News
1 January - Citizen Gerrick wins the December 2015 Recruitment Contest
1 January - The Storting Passes the Wessreich Paragon Act
3 January - The Keepers of the Call, Wintreath's recruitment guild, is founded!
10 January - Citizen North makes a generous donation
14 January - Citizen Hugsim wins Wintreath's first "Programmeringstävling" with his entry, United in Love
16-29 January - The Skydande Vakt provides endorsements support to our allies in The Rejected Realms
22 January - Chairman Wuufu joins the IRC Chat Op Team
29 January - The Skydande Vakt provides endorsement support to A World Power
January Recruitment
Manual Telegrams Sent: 9611
Manual Recruited Nations: 90
Manual Average Success Rate: 0.94%
Top Recruiters
Wintermoot - 7673 telegrams
Gerrick - 1871 telegrams
RedRevenant/Sci - 37 telegrams
xXTheHydraXx - 30 telegrams