The Temporary RMB Sewage Planners Party


Hello :)

I am the Head of the Holy Empire of Youre and I would like your help. The RMB is cluttered with meta-chatter and pseudo-moderation. This is against the interests of everyone in the region. I am sure our dear beloved Lord Ravenclaw is looking deeply into this issue but I would like to propose not only this party of committed members but also make this the location for such discussions to take place.

Please complain here, not on the RMB.

This works as a means to free up space in the RMB on anything that is related to double posting in any manner, be it criticizing it, criticizing those whom criticize it (making even more spam) or just raging against the spam that is occurring.

I am not even sure if this is the appropriate place to place such a topic but it surely is better than the RMB. I am sure the correct authorities may move this to its correct location afterwards.

Thank you! :tnp:
The problem here is most of the complaints are directed at legitimate problems, as the spamminess over all being far increased from what it was. While I appreciate the fact that you were passionate enough to post a topic about it here, many users that need to see these complaints don't frequent these forums and as such, won't heed these complaints. So to gain any recognition of what's worsening the RMB, it's necessary to use the RMB to inform such people of the problems, unfortunately
I think that most people know that double posting is bad, I have recently seen a double posting in which the poster asked forgiveness (seemed to be some kind of error that occurred). Someone said for the person to get ready for the concentration camp. (link:

Anyhow, the other members just continued on with their conversation and ignored the occurrence which, I think in a very healthy manner, makes less clutter occur (even though some clutter did).

So, as a means to make the RMB become cleaner I think that a kind and nice SHORT telegram being sent to the people involved would make the resolution of things such as these more private, quick, and more importantly, away from the RMB.

I wouldn't know how to write it and having an authority send it would give it more credibility but I thing the following should be added:

1. A link to this thread.
2. Make sure it does not sound like a warning or a threat
3. A simple short list of clutter-free guidelines
4. A "Thank you" for reading and making the forum great with their presence at the end

What do you guys think?
On another note:

Useless discussion about things that can be thwarted just by ignoring them have also brought clutter to the RMB. The board won't turn into a multilingual forum because some people came in and made a few posts in this light. It is too dynamic for this to happen.

There is no need for pseudo-moderators to mention that in the RMB for that also causes more clutter. Which is why I suggested the above post which makes matters much cleaner.

Maybe the telegram template could be used by average board users so that the board may moderate itself in a more silent way

What are your views? Please do comment your opinions.

Thank you :)

(Edited to correct English)
I am completely against the suppression of non-English languages on the RMB.
I am completely against the suppression of non-English languages on the RMB.
I agree

I think it is common sense that English is the world's main mode of communication and that people will attempt to use it as a means of getting their point across to the masses. I feel that the people that are speaking in other languages are doing so in a very polite way and are using common sense in such a way that does not disrupt the board.
Quite honestly, if I feel it is Spam, then I will suppress it. I'd prefer people used English, and where they do not, that they provide an accurate translation.
Lord Ravenclaw,
It is an honor to have the Delegate-Elect of The North Pacific on the Temporary RMB Sewage Planners Party thread. I hope that you enjoy our discussion. As I said, I observe that common sense is being used in such a way that I quite honestly think that you have deemed them appropriate. Also, thank you for your frankness.

Would you mind giving your feedback on it all (this thread), as to the effectiveness it may have on the regional board?

Do you agree with any of the methodologies that here have been proposed?
I think i'll join this party, and finally a slightly cleaner RMB. Though you do know Yeraennus is still going to moderate the actual RMB so this is mostly useless. But eh, screw it, I join!