Repeal "Landmine Safety Protocol"
A resolution to repeal previously passed legislation.
Category: Repeal
Resolution: GA#356
Proposed by: Malashaan Colony
Description: WA General Assembly Resolution #356: Landmine Safety Protocol (Category: International Security; Strength: Mild) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.
Argument: The General Assembly,
RECOGNIZING that landmines are indiscriminate and persistent tools of war that inherently threaten the long-term safety of civilians in and near conflicted areas as they may remain active long after the conflict has ceased.
BELIEVING, however, that this resolution includes flaws that necessitate repeal of the resolution to close loopholes that may be exploited by member nations not operating in good faith.
NOTING General Assembly Resolution #356 requires inclusion of only one of several listed features, and that use of these features in some combinations and circumstance could cause more harm than good.
HIGHLIGHTING the option to include a feature that would allow for, "A remote or pre-set timed detonation function in lieu of a victim-activated trigger." If implemented in bad faith or negligently, this option could cause severe damage to both the environment and local population.
FURTHER HIGHLIGHTING that member nations may also use landmines with technology that utilizes "a trigger function that reliably lends itself to selectively target hostiles instead of civilians, vehicles instead of personnel, [/u]or[/u] characteristics inherent to military hardware instead of civilian hardware." The use of the term or means that the capability of making only one such distinction is required for compliance. Consequently, the text does not require the trigger to distinguish between military and civilian vehicles, which still poses a significant risk to civilian populations. A mine that is detonated by any vehicle passing nearby would be compliant.
FURTHER NOTING General Assembly Resolution #356 places an obligation on member nations to remove or render inert all mines outside of their territory after hostilities, but provides no mechanism to guarantee the required access to do so. A well-meaning member nation could be required to invade another nation after hostilities have ceased in order to comply with the text of this resolution, which may renew the conflict.
ENCOURAGES the General Assembly to consider additional proposals addressing landmines that are not subject to the flaws of Generally Assembly Resolution #356.
HEREBY repeals "General Assembly Resolution #356: Landmine Safety Protocol"
We discussed this a little already in Europeia and I'm pretty happy with it. I'm posting it here for additional feedback, and will also be posting on the NS forum shortly.