Main Nation:The Constitutional Monarchy of Efren
RL Country:Italy
Favourite Colour:Wait, does anyone actually care ? Uh... blue?
Do you use IRC:Not really, but I might start using it for Nationstates if I see enough participation.
Political Ideology
efinitely left-leaning, social democrat would probably be the best way to briefly describe my views.
Do you enjoy Roleplay or forum games: I used to play a lot of RPGs on several forums, but I did lose interest 5-6 years ago, I'm hoping to
restart though I've never really done something like this (country simulator).
Main Nation:The Constitutional Monarchy of Efren
RL Country:Italy
Favourite Colour:Wait, does anyone actually care ? Uh... blue?
Do you use IRC:Not really, but I might start using it for Nationstates if I see enough participation.
Political Ideology

Do you enjoy Roleplay or forum games: I used to play a lot of RPGs on several forums, but I did lose interest 5-6 years ago, I'm hoping to
restart though I've never really done something like this (country simulator).