The North Pacific is a region of excellence, and excellence must be recognized and rewarded. And what better way to do so than with the fanfare and glamour of the Academy Awards, or as most people know them, the Oscars. Well, we can do even better than that. The Ministry of Culture presents:

The 2015 Lennarts (Private Draft Thread)

Look 2016, I'ma let you finish, but 2015 was the best year OF ALL TIME. And it deserves a proper send-off.

Yes, we're a bit late, but that doesn't mean we can't celebrate the amazing accomplishments TNP has made in the year of 2015. The Ministry of Culture wants you, the members of the North Pacific, to come together and help us decide which of your own deserve to win the amazing, the esteemed, the incredible Lennart Awards! There are five categories - three are based on forum activity, one on nation pages, and one is based on RMB presence. There will be a winner for each category, who will be allowed 1) to call themselves a Lennart winner; and, 2) to print this image out on their printer and frame it - be proud!

Each category's nominees will go up in an in-game poll, for three days. If there are too many, they will be split into qualifier polls of equal size, and a finals poll that is as large as possible. The winner will be invited to offer us an official acceptance speech. There truly is nothing better than the Lennarts!

Nominations (Private Draft Thread)

Nominations are the first phase of the Lennart Awards ceremony. Just after these few sentences, you'll find a neat little nominations form! Fill it out and post it on this thread, and your nomination is done. ANYONE who can post on this thread is eligible to make a nomination, and anyone who currently has a nation in the North Pacific is eligible to be nominated (their nation must still be in TNP when a winner is declared). Nominations are made for each category individually, and you can only nominate a single player for each category. You do not have to make a nomination for all five categories.

A person must be nominated TWICE to be eligible - if someone's posted a nomination form, feel free to just quote them and announce that you are 'seconding' them, instead of making your own nomination.

The categories are described in a little more detail, along with nomination lists, at the bottom of this post.

Nominations Form:
(Pick One) Category - [Reading, Riting, Roleplaying / Spam Spam Green Eggs and Spam / First Speaker / RMBae / WAllywood]
(Pick One) [TNP Nation Name/TNP Forum Account Name] -
(Optional) Is there a relevant thread/link to support your nominee? -

Category Descriptions (Private Draft Thread)

Reading, Riting, Roleplaying
RRR is a category intended for Roleplayers who have shown a willingness to participate in the TNP RP community, regardless of skill level. The RRR winner should be someone who has learned from RPing in TNP, and who has shown improvement in their writing and their netiquette. They could also be an experienced, long-time RPer, who has been able to put effort into understanding the RP community, and consistently produces threads that interest the community as a whole, and help drive the TNP RP world. RRR are exactly what TNP's best RPer for 2015 has been doing.
None yet! Suggest our first!

Spam Spam Green Eggs and Spam
SSGES is a category for TNPers who aren't afraid to get a little silly on our forums. There are places for the particularly bored to spam to their heart's content - we have the technology. But it isn't enough to just post spam, no. In the true spirit of Monty Python, every little pot of spam should be as funny as the first. SSGES are the order of the day for TNP's best spammer for 2015.
None yet! Suggest our first!

First Speaker
Good evening, I'd like to introduce our First Speaker. For the affirmative side, a good debater should always present the facts straight and clearly, and still manage to keep their heads cool even against the most ferocious opposition. But when it comes to getting into rebuttal, a good debater should be good at writing posts that deal with the points raised, and still keep in touch with the topic at hand. And all this, while keeping people interested in reading about topics they've never even heard of. Our First Speaker is TNP's best debater for 2015.
None yet! Suggest our first!

Let's be honest, the only thing weirder than the RMB is the word 'bae'. What does it even mean? Our RMBae is the kind of person who can help TNP work these things out, seriously and carefully, without the silliness of the TNP forums. Your RMBae is the kind of person who can use the word 'bae' in a post and not get suppressed. Let's face it, to be the RMBae, you need to be nothing less than TNP's favourite RMB poster.
None yet! Suggest our first!

You've heard of Hollywood. You might have heard of Bollywood. You've probably not heard of Nollywood. But WAllywood? Well, that's an entirely different awards show. TNP has a WAllywood out here somewhere - a nation so cool that they probably deserve to have their name up in lights. Maybe it's their flag. Maybe it's their motto. Maybe it's even just their name. TNP's WAllywood is the kind of nation that would have the best nation page in TNP.
None yet! Suggest our first!
We should probably make the form more like that of an election since it's:

A) More familiar to TNPers,

and B) This is basically an election for who receives the award.
We should probably make the form more like that of an election since it's:

A) More familiar to TNPers,

and B) This is basically an election for who receives the award.
I agree that I want to make this as familiar and easy to participate in as possible, but I'm trying to stick to the original idea behind the Lennarts, which was as a way to get in-game nations interested in forum threads and forum activities. The best way to do that, in my opinion, is with a poll.
I think we did that last year, so I would agree on the usage of a poll.
Polls work well too. One suggestion I would have, is that we try to think of a way to limit the nominations. Otherwise we end up with multiple polls that are just preliminary votes. I think you can take up to 12 nominations on one poll. Perhaps require that all nominations be seconded? And don't allow people to second all nominations xP
Polls work well too. One suggestion I would have, is that we try to think of a way to limit the nominations. Otherwise we end up with multiple polls that are just preliminary votes. I think you can take up to 12 nominations on one poll. Perhaps require that all nominations be seconded? And don't allow people to second all nominations xP

Especially the seconding and thirding on nominations. It shows the masses what some think of certain nominees and influences them to vote for them too. Soon, 1 nominee has a mindless army of vote-converts. We should ban seconding, thirding, etc etc. to make voting less biased.