Commend BearNation - WA Ministry Recommendation

Once the current commendation is done with voting in 2-3 days, we'll have this one to vote on. I'm planning to start the voting thread sometime tomorrow night, probably.

View the proposal here.

Any strong opinions for or against? Why do you feel that way? The region doesn't necessarily have to follow our lead; however, it can be helpful to clarify any things we might thing need to be made extra clear for our WA voters.
I am rather concerned at the fact the target of this proposal wrote a constitution that appears to equate raiders with nazi's and bigots.
I am as well. My personal vote (on Europeia, to determine how I vote as Delegate) is currently tallied against this commendation.
Planning to write up a draft against the commend tomorrow. I enjoyed a few beers with the Packers game tonight, so I'm not in the best drafting frame of mind right now.

If anyone has time to take a swing at it, feel free, of course.
Ministry of World Assembly Affairs Voting Recommendation
The majority of the commendation seems to focus on the "promotion of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) equal rights throughout Nationstates" (largely through serving as WA Delegate for Gay), which sounds great on the surface. However, the Constitution for the region of Gay - which the Commendation text states was authored by BearNation - contains a few concerning points:
  • Section 11D equates "raiders" with "fascists and Nazis" and "homophobes."
  • Section 14 refuses the opportunity for anyone who has ever raided (with one exception) to serve in any major governmental office within Gay.
These clauses undermine the "promotion of LGBT rights" that BearNation has hypothetically put forward, as they only serve to promote rights within Gay for LGBT players that are defender leaning or neutral. It seems hypocritical to celebrate BearNation as a player that promotes equality within his region, when this Constitution stands as a documentation of the region's bigotry.

We recommend a vote against this commendation.
I agree, at first reading, the achievements of said nation look great having advanced LGBT rights however, what they seem to have done in their own nation is quite worrying and hypercritical. Well Put.
Thanks for the input, everyone! We have another SC resolution that should be at vote in the next few days, so I'll get that thread started in here shortly for review and analysis.