Where's The Muffin Recipe?


How this works is simple,

You begin with, " Little did you know,"

Then you declare how you've obtained the muffin recipe from the previous poster.

After that you announce where you've hidden it. It can't be hidden somewhere where it's impossible to re-obtain it from.

Person 1: "Little did you know, I threw the muffin recipe into a bonfire!"
Person 2: "Little did you know, before you threw the muffin recipe it into a fire, in an attempt to destroy it, I wrote it down and had it shipped in an unmarked package to Beijing!"
Person 3: "Little did you know, I intercepted the package and hid the muffin recipe under my kitchen table!"
Person 4: "Little did you know, while we were eating dinner yesterday I swiped it from underneath your table and hid it in my cupboard!"

Lord Ravenclaw:
Good luck finding teh muffin recipe if I don't look for it :P

:muffin: :muffin: :muffin: :muffin: :muffin: :muffin: :muffin: :muffin: :muffin: :muffin: :muffin: :muffin: :muffin: :muffin: :muffin: :muffin: :muffin: :muffin: :muffin: :muffin: :muffin: :muffin: :muffin: :muffin:
Little did you know I used my ability to communicate with the beasts and creatures to ask a passing urbane fox to acquire the recipe for me.
Much did you know that I killed the fox, took the recipe, and put it right over there. Want it?
Little did you know that I gladly took the Muffin recipe that Syrixia offered and made the muffins with it. They were magically fantastogasmic. Then I left the recipe outside.
Little did you know, as quak was taking the muffins out of the oven I walked by and snagged one. They were delicious. I then accidentally knocked the recipe into the sewers.
Little did you know, I happened to be in the sewer for no good reason and stumbled upon the recipe. Then on my way home, with a fresh basket of alligator eggs, the wind blew the recipe out of my hands and into a bird's nest.
Little did you know that I had a ladder so I could get up to the bird's nest in the tree and get the recipe. I've now buried it next to the tree.
Little did you know I have a warren of tunnels which lie just underneath, after which I put the recipe in a van headed for Crete
Little did you know that I own Crete, and I've gotten hold of the recipe from my viceroy. We've followed the recipe and it was too bland for our taste. Seeing that nobody should be burdened by such bland muffins, I've had it hidden in the Labyrinth with the Minotaur.
Little did you know, I happen to be good friends with Daedalus and so he gave the muffin recipe to me for he does not enjoy them. Alas, while riding, in my golden chariot, to paris a Roman infantryman confiscated the recipe from me and brought it back to Rome.
Little did you know that I also own Latium, and I saw it again being offered to me as tribute, for it claims to be "A VERY TASTY RECIPE". I took it and sent it with Legio XIX to be buried somewhere in Aquitania.
Little did you know, I intercepted the recipe through use of subterfuge and stealth. The recipe now sits innocently in a hidden compartment in my kitchen.
Little did you know, Syrixia has forgotten how to post seriously. While I made a distraction, rolling a spamming Syrixia down your corridor, I snuck into the Kitchen and grabbed it. It's know hidden in a location I have forgotten.