Hello All!


A bit of info on me, I am Romic long time participant in NS and a very long time member of one Region in particular.

I have served many different roles over the past few years from Executive roles to RP mentor ship roles (non-NS mentor). I particularly enjoy Star Wars and Sci-Fi in general. Huge history buff and decent modern war RPer.

Almost exclusively dealt with RPing for many a year until I grew bored and decided to go into various Regional Gov't positions. I plan on being active here and my native home. I thank you for welcoming me to your home. I hope I can be as much part of this group as I am my native Region.

Thank you,
Main Nation?: Romic
RL Country?: US
Favourite Colour(s)?: Blue, Red, Black
Do you use IRC?: Exclusively
Political Ideology? Liberal, Conservative, Anarchist, do you care?: Centrist Lean Conservative.
Do you enjoy Roleplay or forum games?: Yes
Hello Romic, welcome to The North Pacific. I'm not at all surprised to see you here somehow.