[b]Information for World Assembly voters[/b]
Greetings %NATION%,
Please find below another volume of the Information for World Assembly voters program.
[u]Current resolution at vote:[/u] [b][url=http://www.nationstates.net/page=sc]Commend Nation of Quebec[/url][/b]
[u]Forum thread:[/u] [b]http://forum.thenorthpacific.org/topic/7490648/[/b]
[u]Ministry vote recommendation:[/u] [b]For[/b]
[spoiler=Ministry Review][u]Ministry Review[/u]
[i]Written by [b][nation=short]MousePony[/nation][/b][/i]
Nation of Quebec has authored, as of this writing, 18 issues that are distributed to individual nations to allow them to make an impact on the future actions of their national leader and government. There used to be many complaints of repeating issues from nations who were faced with the same dilemma on a near-weekly basis, but the efforts of Nation of Quebec have allowed the Issue Editors to continue to expand the issues base and the variety of dilemmas that can be posed to each individual government. This makes Nation of Quebec a prime candidate for a Commendation, as their work has made each nation a bit more interesting and unique, fostering excellence in the international community.
[b]For all these reasons, we recommend a vote [u]in favor[/u] of this proposal.[/b][/spoiler]
[spoiler=Help Wanted in the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs!][u]Help Wanted in the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs![/u]
As I've just recently been named Minister of World Assembly Affairs, I'm looking to put together a staff of amazing players - like you! - to help me coordinate everything we have going on in the Ministry. I'm looking for players that want to learn more about the World Assembly and maybe even prepare you for writing a resolution of your own someday! Additionally, getting involved on Ministry Staff is a great way to get more involved in The North Pacific community.
If you're interested in getting involved, please either send me a PM on the forums (my username is [b]mousebumples[/b] ) or contact this nation ([nation=short]Mousepony[/nation]) by telegram.
I look forward to hearing from you soon![/spoiler]
[spoiler=Other Information][u]Other information[/u]
The Delegate exercises the regional vote based on the results of the forum thread linked above. All World Assembly nations in the region can take part there, so make sure to do so!
As usual, [b]please consider endorsing Delegate [nation=short]Lord Ravenclaw[/nation][/b], if you have not already done so. The more endorsements, the more votes The North Pacific has, and the stronger the voice of our region within the World Assembly is!
If you're no longer interested in receiving "Information for World Assembly Voters" telegrams, please edit your Telegram Preferences and adjust the frequency with with you receive "WA Campaign" telegrams accordingly.[/spoiler]
If you have any questions about the current resolution at vote or the "Information for World Assembly voters" program, please feel free to contact me!
[i]Minister of World Assembly Affairs[/i]