About me

Nickname(s)?: Ash
Main Nation?: Djanoubia
RL Country?: U.S.
Favourite Colour(s)?: Purple
Do you use IRC?: I don't use IRC, but I am willing to give it a try again.
Political Ideology? Liberal, Conservative, Anarchist, do you care?: Liberal. More civil rights and less income inequality.
Do you enjoy Roleplay or forum games?: I've never tried forum games before, to my knowledge. Roleplay might be fun to try out.

Ages ago, I was once a member of this forum and the government. Very cool peeps here, and I missed ya. I think my nation was Virginian Inquisitors, but that was only one of several puppets I had. In any case, hello everyone! :)
Welcome back, Djanoubia. If you have any questions as I am sure a lot has changed since you last visited NS, please let me or anyone here know. Also, feel free to reapply to the NPA.

~ Tomb