
Welcome to the office of Lamoni Today! We are the official national and international newspaper of the Free Republic of Lamoni, bringing news from the Free Republic, Greater Dienstad, and beyond, straight to your doorstep!
The Newspaper
Lamoni Today is a national Lamonian daily newspaper published by the Falcon Company. It was founded by James Newharth on September 15, 1982. The newspaper has the position of having the widest circulation of any newspaper in Lamoni, something it has held since 2003.
Lamoni Today is distributed in all of the Lamonian states, the Lamonian capitol city of Nephi, as well as in other nations who have friendly relations with Lamoni. There is also a full online edition. The newspaper has its headquarters in Hvarten, Lamoni. Currently, Lamoni Today sells for 1 Rushanna in newsstands; however, it is often found free at hotels and airports that distribute it to their customers.
Lamoni Today is known for synthesizing news down to easy-to-read-and-comprehend stories. In the main edition seen in Lamoni, each edition consists of four sections: News, Money, Sports, and Life. The international edition of the paper features two sections: News and Money in one; with Sports and Life in the other.
The paper does not print on Saturdays and Sundays. Lamoni Today prints each complete story on the front page of the respective section with the exception of the cover story. The cover story is a longer story that requires a jump (readers must turn to another page in the paper to complete the story, usually the next page of that section). On certain days, the news or sports section will take up two paper sections, and there will be a second cover story within the second section.
Each section is denoted by a certain color to differentiate sections beyond lettering and is seen in a box the top-left corner of the first page, with News being blue (section A), Money with green (section B), red for Sports (section C), and purple for Life (section D).
In many ways, Lamoni Today is set up to break the typical newspaper layout. Some examples of that divergence from tradition include using the left-hand quarter of each section as reefers, sometimes using sentence-length blurbs to describe stories inside. It is also the only paper in Lamoni to utilize the Gulliver font, which is used for both headlines and stories.
Being a national newspaper, Lamoni Today cannot focus on the weather for any one city. Therefore, the entire back page of the News section is used for weather maps and temperature lists for the entire Free Republic of Lamoni and many cities throughout the world, with data provided by Lamoni Today meteorologists. In the bottom left-hand corner of the weather page is a graphic called “Weather Focus,” which explains different meteorological phenomena. On some days, the Weather Focus could be a photo of a rare meteorological event.
One of the staples of the News section is a state-by-state roundup of headlines. The summaries consist of paragraph-length reports highlighting one story of note in each state, and Nephi.
Some traditions have been retained, however. The lead story still appears on the upper-right hand of the front page. Commentary and political cartoons occupy the last few pages of the News section. Stock and mutual fund data are presented in the Money section. But Lamoni Today is sufficiently different in aesthetics to be recognized on sight, even in a mix of other newspapers, such as at a newsstand. The overall design and layout of Lamoni Today has been described as both neo-Victorian and Impressionist.
Opinion Section
The opinion section prints Lamoni Today editorials, columns by guest writers and members of the Board of Contributors, letters to the editor, and editorial cartoons. One unique feature of the Lamoni Today editorial page is the publication of opposing points of view alongside the editorial board's piece on the day's topic runs an opposing view by a guest writer, often an expert in the field.