Gonfaloniere congratulates Rhuvish election winners amid investor worries
The Gonfaloniere congratulated the National Sonacist Party of Rhuvanland today in a response to a reporter's question at a press conference, surprising investors worried about the party's stated intent to nationalize industries in the country.
The National Sonacist Party rode a surge of popular discontent to victory this week, with a platform seen by many as radical. The once-dominant Conservative Democratic Christian party came in second in the elections, with Liberal Equality Party in last place.
Insiders at Pazzi Bank, Floresque's second-largest investment firm, told the Floregasque Economist that the National Sonacist's plans to nationalize large industries and utilities, as well as their plans to encourage worker cooperatives and trade unions, worried them and would likely have an effect on interest rates if their policies were allowed to pass without moderation.
If the Gonfaloniere, who sits on the board of the Bank Avelocci, Floresque's largest investment firm, shared these concerns he did not show it. In a short reply to a reporter at a press conference, he congratulated the National Sonacist Party and their leader, Friedrich Ulrich, and said he looked forward to working with the party on the world stage.
Debate Square in Eastern Park was quiet today, but a few people were gathered speaking publicly about their opposition to the National Sonacist Party's words against Kannexans, which labelled the country's inhabitants "hateful and evil" due to rising right-wing, anti-Flemist groups in that nation. It remains unclear if the National Sonacist Party will continue rhetoric criticizing Kannex now that they hold the Chancellorship.
Most Rhuvish stocks fell a handful of points on the news. About half had regained these losses by the end of the day. Floregasque Economist Investor Advisors recommend watching Rhuvish stocks closely but not selling at this point. The Floregasque Stock Exchange closed 15 points up for the day.
Nachricht aus dem Außenministerium der Sonazistische Bundesrepublik Rhuvanland:![]()
Grüsse, Freunde. Wir danken Euch, dass Ihr uns diese Wahl gewinnen erlaubt, die wir so hart bekämpften. Das Volk Rhuvanlands braucht mehr und besser, als was die Konservative Demokratische Christliche Partei anbot. Sie brauchen die Gleichheit und Freiheit, und eine Rückkehr zu unserer alten Kultur, statt einer normalen, durchschnittlichen Östlichen Democratie.
Die Nationalsonaziste Partei besteht, um das zu ändern. Wir müssen uns von den hasserfüllten Kannexen trennen, und von beiden dem Osten und dem Western zu distanzieren. Wir haben viel durchgestanden and wir verdienen besser. Wir versprechen, Rhuvanland auf die Weltbühne zu bringen. Wir werden eine Dritte Sphäre sein, von allen, die sich barbarichem Unentschieden der Westen und Osten entgegenstemmen.
Wir werden ein grossartiger Rhuvischer Staat sein, eine Kraft, mit der zu rechnen ist. Der Hass und die verrückten weltweiten Unentschieden plagen uns nicht mehr. Die Sonaziste Bundesrepublik Rhuvanland wird die Welt zeigen, was fehlt, und dabei werden wir perfekt! Wir werden das grossartigeres Land der Welt sein! Heil Ulrich! Hoch lebe Rhuvanland!
Greetings, friends. We thank you all for letting us win this election, which we fought so hard to win. The people of Rhuvanland need better than what the Conservative Democratic Christian Party provided to them. They need equality and freedom, and a return to our old culture instead of a regular, average Eastern democracy.
The National Sonacist Party is here to change that. We must separate ourselves from the hateful Kannexans and distance ourselves from both the East and the West. We have been through so much and we deserve better. The National Sonazistische Party pledges to bring Rhuvenland onto the world stage. We will become a third sphere; that of all those who stand against the barbaric standoff of the East and the West.
We will be a great Rhuvish state; a force to be reckoned with! No more will hate and crazed global standoffs plague us all! The Sonacist Federal Republic of Rhuvanland will show the world what it is missing, and in doing so we will become perfect! We will become the greatest nation in the world!