Vazosi National Report


Vazosi National Report, November 15, 2015
Governorate of Quraf Dissolved; Na?o Diama Announced as Viceroy
The Royal Council announced the dissolution of the Governorate of Quraf yesterday. In its place, High King Belrak Sahas has proclaimed a Viceroyalty in Quraf. This will permit the High King to more directly control governmental affairs in Quraf, particularly in contemporary counter-insurgency campaigns.

Na?o Diama of the Royal Army has been selected as the first Viceroy of Quraf. Diama served with distinction defending Quraf from the terrorist attacks of the QLB in the late seventies, and afterward served as Field Marshal of the Royal Army in Quraf from 1980 to 1997. Prior to the dissolution of the Assembly in 2004, he was nominated for a seat representing Mapura Province but declined.

Zafnato Pineja Appointed as Representative to Novrith Pact
Zafnato Pineja, who served as Chancellor to the late High King Midul II Nahata from 1989 to 1998, has been appointed by High King Belrak Sahas as the Vazosi representative to the Guiding Committee of the Novrith Pact. Despite the controversy which surrounded Lord Pineja's dismissal from the Chancery in 1998, his experience as Chancellor was met with approval from the Royal Council. Few within the Chamber of Sages had further comment on the matter.