Results: November 2015 Judicial Election

Results: November 2015 Judicial Election


The Election Commission has counted the votes in this Judicial Election and now publishes these results, attesting they are true and correct.

Candidates[c]Votes[c]Percentage[c]Elected[c]Vazos[c]26[c]46.43%[c]Yes[c]plembobria[c]33[c]58.93%[c]Yes[c]Piscivore[c]11[c]19.64%[c]No[c]The Democratic Republic of Tomb[c]34[c]60.71%[c]Yes[c]punk d[c]17[c]30.36%[c]No[c]flemingovia[c]21[c]37.50%[c]No[c]Abstain[c]23[c]-[c]-[c]Reopen Nominations[c]4[c]7.14%[c]-
Candidates[c]Votes[c]Percentage[c]Elected[c]Gracius Maximus[c]45[c]100.00%[c]Yes[c]Abstain[c]10[c]-[c]-[c]Reopen Nominations[c]11[c]19.64%[c]-

A detailed breakdown of votes and results can be found in this spreadsheet.

Election Commissioners: Crushing Our Enemies, Eluvatar
I'd like to congratulate the winners, Gracius Maximus, Tomb, and Vazos.

It's been a long time since the strife of Tomb's trial, and I'm happy to see that the region has decided to support him once again.
Go Team Tomb! :D

Congratulations to my man Tomb, as well as Plemby and Vazos!

EDIT: And apparently whoever this Gluteus Maximus guy is.
Congrats to Plemby, Vazos, and GM. I look forward to a great term working with you guys.

I would like to take a moment to thank the region and our citizenry for their help and support in this election. I really appreciate the huge token of support in this election. Your continuous support means alot to me, and I look forward to working with my fellow justices to deliver and implement TNP's laws in our capacity.

Thank you,

~ Tomb
Thanks to TNP for their support in my campaign and many congratulations to Tomb, Plemby, and Gracius Maximus. I look forward to my time on the bench with you.
Lol, I felt the same way.
Congrats to those who did win, though. None of you were, like, Donald Trump levels of terrible.