Zombie Apocalypse 2015 recruitment list


I took the liberty of compiling a list of all TNP nations that took some kind of action (cure missiles, TZES, or zombie exportation) during the Zombie Apocalypse. Last year, the respective list was one of our most successful manual recruitment runs. So, we should probably try and manually telegram these nations this year as well.

I'll let MoHA staff determine the details (e.g., what kind of advertisement to use for this list).

#[c]nation[c]1[c] 5664 [c]2[c] abacathea [c]3[c] adoriand [c]4[c] aeoian_empire [c]5[c] aevus [c]6[c] afrurg [c]7[c] aisparia [c]8[c] alpes-maritimes [c]9[c] alternative_to_sanity [c]10[c] american_witches_and_heroes [c]11[c] ananke [c]12[c] anthropologyland [c]13[c] apetopia [c]14[c] arabajian [c]15[c] arach-naga_combine [c]16[c] arcadiom [c]17[c] armed_republic_of_samlandia [c]18[c] arquan [c]19[c] arrivederci [c]20[c] arsenal_haven [c]21[c] artanili_datium [c]22[c] arvadar [c]23[c] ascenon [c]24[c] askhalan [c]25[c] astral_coalition [c]26[c] atlantic_states_of_canada [c]27[c] augustla [c]28[c] auram [c]29[c] avalon [c]30[c] avexrias [c]31[c] axolotlania [c]32[c] aylesbury_pike [c]33[c] babugarh [c]34[c] bacardi [c]35[c] barbarossistan [c]36[c] bar_tea [c]37[c] beagles_reborn [c]38[c] beequan [c]39[c] belgravian [c]40[c] beloslavia [c]41[c] benjistaan [c]42[c] bentrada [c]43[c] bernie_nation [c]44[c] bh1318 [c]45[c] black_kingdoms_of_brittania [c]46[c] blood_stained_inu [c]47[c] bomb_loving_war_nuts [c]48[c] bone_zone [c]49[c] bonreas [c]50[c] borns [c]51[c] bothia [c]52[c] britomart [c]53[c] britonville [c]54[c] brittany [c]55[c] brutland_and_norden [c]56[c] brythoniaid [c]57[c] bubbleyummy [c]58[c] caelestra [c]59[c] cairnben [c]60[c] camidera [c]61[c] cape_kangaroo [c]62[c] capitalistfreedom [c]63[c] carniola [c]64[c] caspiatea [c]65[c] castile [c]66[c] c_chaplin [c]67[c] celasur [c]68[c] celreostia [c]69[c] chichiland [c]70[c] christian_holy_land [c]71[c] chukstik_illahi [c]72[c] chuukango [c]73[c] cinnapa-lussadria [c]74[c] cinnibar [c]75[c] clocksenburg [c]76[c] colbareia [c]77[c] coldeon [c]78[c] conch_empire [c]79[c] concupisence [c]80[c] confederacy_of_imperial_dominions [c]81[c] confederate_nation_of_north_america [c]82[c] confederation_of_common_sense [c]83[c] confederation_of_halandia [c]84[c] cortassia [c]85[c] cosmopolitan_republic [c]86[c] cozy_beds [c]87[c] crameno [c]88[c] crazy_lazy [c]89[c] crazyntoughkiwi [c]90[c] crialis [c]91[c] cupcakeatarians [c]92[c] cybraxia [c]93[c] cyvercron [c]94[c] daedric_stellar_empire [c]95[c] dark_warchief [c]96[c] david_l_l_l_l [c]97[c] decente [c]98[c] delthorensdale [c]99[c] deltorn [c]100[c] demescia [c]101[c] democatic_donkeys [c]102[c] democratic_donkeys [c]103[c] desmond_vice [c]104[c] dieskara [c]105[c] dixie_jazz_land [c]106[c] dolphis [c]107[c] dorejan [c]108[c] dreux [c]109[c] dunnwal [c]110[c] dutchyland [c]111[c] dwarven_kingdom_of_erebor [c]112[c] eastheart [c]113[c] eirennea [c]114[c] elchea_federation [c]115[c] el_liberator [c]116[c] eluvataran_isles [c]117[c] eluvatel [c]118[c] embrines [c]119[c] emmerian_republic [c]120[c] empire_of_narnia [c]121[c] enrichment [c]122[c] equestria_and_griffon [c]123[c] erophla [c]124[c] errantem [c]125[c] erumar [c]126[c] erura [c]127[c] esplandia [c]128[c] estingberg [c]129[c] eumenor [c]130[c] falapatorius [c]131[c] faltera [c]132[c] felenia [c]133[c] felhaven [c]134[c] felpolandia [c]135[c] fengate [c]136[c] fergworld [c]137[c] fierrol [c]138[c] finsternia [c]139[c] fionavaar [c]140[c] flemingovia [c]141[c] floresque [c]142[c] formosan_islands [c]143[c] fourth_haven [c]144[c] francovania [c]145[c] free_culture [c]146[c] freedany [c]147[c] free_state_of_the_levant [c]148[c] free_terra_magnans [c]149[c] free_thinkers_and_rabble-rousers [c]150[c] fresh_carthage [c]151[c] frostmourn [c]152[c] frync [c]153[c] garden_bast [c]154[c] gbm [c]155[c] gendirt [c]156[c] general_coe [c]157[c] gentemunam [c]158[c] ghidorrah [c]159[c] gim [c]160[c] girlpants [c]161[c] gladio [c]162[c] goldenredsnakeland [c]163[c] gracius_maximus [c]164[c] great_and_glorious_martese_unionins [c]165[c] great_bights_mum [c]166[c] great_trannsvaal [c]167[c] green_high [c]168[c] greolia [c]169[c] grimlet_grimshaw [c]170[c] guslantis [c]171[c] habutnick [c]172[c] hakurei [c]173[c] haldery_and_serven [c]174[c] hammustafula [c]175[c] hapsburg_fauland [c]176[c] harry_jones [c]177[c] hat134 [c]178[c] hellenistic_federation [c]179[c] helvetica_republic [c]180[c] heyzay [c]181[c] high_priest_caiaphas [c]182[c] hiscen [c]183[c] hiskjriaana [c]184[c] hms_unicorn [c]185[c] holy_marcus_empire [c]186[c] holy_moldavian_empire [c]187[c] holy_roman_empires [c]188[c] hopetania [c]189[c] hudson_valley [c]190[c] humanewolf [c]191[c] hunter [c]192[c] hypori [c]193[c] ice_and_flame [c]194[c] ilhamia [c]195[c] imporinoria [c]196[c] ingensterra [c]197[c] ingrisa [c]198[c] insaniragica [c]199[c] iopjvi [c]200[c] izmedu [c]201[c] izus [c]202[c] javert_xiv [c]203[c] jedistaan [c]204[c] jeldheim [c]205[c] jerkeris_jones [c]206[c] jfire [c]207[c] joakim_broden [c]208[c] jordan_high_school [c]209[c] jorren [c]210[c] joseph_world [c]211[c] jrustela [c]212[c] jul12 [c]213[c] kaanite [c]214[c] kaiyastan [c]215[c] kalatun [c]216[c] kamis_realm [c]217[c] karlsland_fuso [c]218[c] kazchnia [c]219[c] kerbalistan [c]220[c] kilimantonian [c]221[c] kimpuru [c]222[c] kingdom_of_blablabla [c]223[c] kingdom_of_delmor [c]224[c] kingdom_of_dolanyi_the_iii [c]225[c] kingdom_of_plembobria [c]226[c] kingdom_of_space [c]227[c] kingdom_of_the_great_dragon [c]228[c] king_hammer [c]229[c] kingt [c]230[c] kitlandia [c]231[c] kitten-like-feinds [c]232[c] koda-land [c]233[c] krishy_krishy [c]234[c] krishy_krishy_united [c]235[c] kristeldikkepijplippen [c]236[c] krygonistan [c]237[c] kubrostavsria [c]238[c] kwarenteen [c]239[c] kylesburgh [c]240[c] kyojin-san [c]241[c] land_of_compassion [c]242[c] land_of_the_black_riders [c]243[c] langersland [c]244[c] lapland [c]245[c] lapnoggin [c]246[c] la_riviera [c]247[c] leadorite [c]248[c] lefin [c]249[c] lettichaeus [c]250[c] lexicon_2 [c]251[c] lexiquik [c]252[c] liberreich [c]253[c] lindar [c]254[c] lionberg [c]255[c] lleothoria [c]256[c] lootsin [c]257[c] lorbank [c]258[c] lord_plembington [c]259[c] lord_ravenclaw [c]260[c] lornecox [c]261[c] lot-et-garonne [c]262[c] luna_aska [c]263[c] luxannia [c]264[c] lycrasia [c]265[c] madridpoor [c]266[c] magna_romaniae [c]267[c] magnusson [c]268[c] makaban [c]269[c] malraga [c]270[c] manilowia [c]271[c] mantacorp [c]272[c] maskecerf_legacy [c]273[c] mathdian [c]274[c] mcc66187 [c]275[c] mcmasterdonia [c]276[c] meelo [c]277[c] megaomega [c]278[c] melon_feud [c]279[c] merconitonitopia [c]280[c] metropolitan_singapore [c]281[c] mitchellan [c]282[c] mladonistan [c]283[c] molaka [c]284[c] mollyq [c]285[c] moralisticdelaware [c]286[c] munkh_khukh_tengri [c]287[c] nabmex [c]288[c] narieo [c]289[c] national_global_unity [c]290[c] nationalist_peoples_party [c]291[c] nationalist_soviet_union [c]292[c] natsistan [c]293[c] neolvex [c]294[c] neu-klagenfurt [c]295[c] neutraljs [c]296[c] new_advanced_russia [c]297[c] new_albuquerque [c]298[c] new_eleria [c]299[c] new_friare [c]300[c] newharvest [c]301[c] new_haven_america [c]302[c] newnerman [c]303[c] new_paelmorian_lavonia [c]304[c] new_penguinia [c]305[c] new_sekai [c]306[c] new_townburg [c]307[c] new_us_ville [c]308[c] nightempire [c]309[c] nightrise2 [c]310[c] ninjamelonhead [c]311[c] north_dirtland [c]312[c] north_kingless [c]313[c] northwestern_allied_states [c]314[c] norvalkin [c]315[c] notyoutopia [c]316[c] nubianepal [c]317[c] nubianica [c]318[c] nurplevania [c]319[c] nutka [c]320[c] nuttland [c]321[c] ny_arendelle [c]322[c] nyuu_iidn [c]323[c] oblivionobliviousness [c]324[c] oceaseia [c]325[c] oetna [c]326[c] oilgarchy [c]327[c] olvor [c]328[c] oostenryk [c]329[c] ormith [c]330[c] ostar [c]331[c] pacifial [c]332[c] padraigiana [c]333[c] paoklandia [c]334[c] parquier [c]335[c] pasargad [c]336[c] pauline_bonaparte [c]337[c] pennatin [c]338[c] people_hitting_you_with_a_stick [c]339[c] perizor [c]340[c] perpendidium [c]341[c] petros_republic [c]342[c] phantooma_the_2nd [c]343[c] picka_land [c]344[c] pioneering_irish [c]345[c] plembobria [c]346[c] possessed_giraffes [c]347[c] potatofactory [c]348[c] pput [c]349[c] pragmatic_radicals [c]350[c] promethias [c]351[c] proov583 [c]352[c] psychoticstan [c]353[c] psycotic45 [c]354[c] punk_reloaded [c]355[c] pure_freedom_everywhere [c]356[c] puy-de-dome [c]357[c] qanadeelia [c]358[c] qoo [c]359[c] quavara [c]360[c] quest_for_the_best_girl [c]361[c] quietdad_of_tnp [c]362[c] qwrqwrrrrrl [c]363[c] rabbington [c]364[c] rammazro [c]365[c] randopulis [c]366[c] razzym [c]367[c] realm_of_damocles [c]368[c] renetopia [c]369[c] republic_of_kalamazoo [c]370[c] requeperaqus [c]371[c] reynalia [c]372[c] rical [c]373[c] ridh [c]374[c] rolovia [c]375[c] romanticum [c]376[c] roubenia [c]377[c] royal_witch_realm [c]378[c] rulers_of_world [c]379[c] ruzonia [c]380[c] sadakoyama [c]381[c] saint_elme [c]382[c] salterra [c]383[c] saltymilkandcoinsland [c]384[c] salvatorian [c]385[c] sam_sanders [c]386[c] samstonne [c]387[c] san_maurice [c]388[c] santimos [c]389[c] sasten [c]390[c] satyros [c]391[c] sauvageur [c]392[c] sbd [c]393[c] schiltzberg [c]394[c] schwienstagger [c]395[c] scrat [c]396[c] secooler [c]397[c] secularist_iran [c]398[c] sensimillastreet [c]399[c] septvia [c]400[c] sex_magick [c]401[c] showzidius [c]402[c] siberia_and_the_north_pacific [c]403[c] silly_english_kinnigots [c]404[c] sillystring [c]405[c] sirbossman [c]406[c] skovandia [c]407[c] skraldeland [c]408[c] skyviolia [c]409[c] slanty [c]410[c] slugistan [c]411[c] slythynia [c]412[c] so_asbena [c]413[c] soko27 [c]414[c] solacetial_knights [c]415[c] solchar [c]416[c] solestia [c]417[c] spacetopia_in_space [c]418[c] spikebomb5 [c]419[c] squidlium [c]420[c] stenc [c]421[c] stereotypical_villainy [c]422[c] strait_islands [c]423[c] stuzemstazem [c]424[c] sukkistan [c]425[c] surf_california [c]426[c] swagtopia [c]427[c] swanatu [c]428[c] syfenq [c]429[c] syrixia [c]430[c] sytarenne [c]431[c] tabor_island [c]432[c] tambaskia [c]433[c] tarnavia [c]434[c] taun_rihet [c]435[c] tazerland [c]436[c] team-deathmatch-land [c]437[c] tefia [c]438[c] teodouro [c]439[c] terminius [c]440[c] terminus_alpha [c]441[c] territorio_di_nessuno [c]442[c] tesiga [c]443[c] the_army_republic_of_prussia [c]444[c] the_backwardest_nation_you_know [c]445[c] the_big_bad_boo [c]446[c] the_cannibal_federation [c]447[c] the_capital_city [c]448[c] the_central_snowlands [c]449[c] the_democratic_republic_of_tomb [c]450[c] the_displaced_demesne_of_belmarke [c]451[c] the_dwarves_of_vaduz [c]452[c] the_elonian_league [c]453[c] the_empire_of_the_greeks [c]454[c] the_federal_repulbic_of_xonia [c]455[c] the_flapping_spaghetti_monster [c]456[c] the_fox_confederacy [c]457[c] the_free_conglomeration [c]458[c] the_free_marchers [c]459[c] thegemini [c]460[c] the_greater_empire_of_neo_japan [c]461[c] the_great_oikoumene_of_tryvin [c]462[c] the_hinterland [c]463[c] the_holy_american_patriots [c]464[c] the_holy_biscuit_order [c]465[c] the_house_ordos [c]466[c] the_john_browning_republic [c]467[c] the_kackle_states [c]468[c] the_kappa_islands [c]469[c] the_knockout_gun_gals [c]470[c] the_lancerian_empire [c]471[c] the_land_of_opportunities [c]472[c] the_monterey_bay_aquarium [c]473[c] the_mordorian_wastelands [c]474[c] the_new_people_of_chern [c]475[c] the_northern_hordes [c]476[c] the_northern_light [c]477[c] the_qeiiam_star_cluster [c]478[c] the_quasi-democracy_of_high_rubble [c]479[c] the_reformed_north_korean_confederacy [c]480[c] the_rossinite_empire [c]481[c] the_socialist_kingdom_of_anglo-saxony [c]482[c] the_spook_of_talon [c]483[c] the_united_holy_german_reich [c]484[c] the_university_project [c]485[c] the_victorian_league [c]486[c] the_watching_nebula [c]487[c] the_wild-eyed_man [c]488[c] the_winter_sidhe [c]489[c] thilaria [c]490[c] third_achaean_league [c]491[c] tiny_ricks [c]492[c] tirnydd [c]493[c] tnp [c]494[c] tokenzia [c]495[c] torbica [c]496[c] tortoisica [c]497[c] trible_pirates [c]498[c] trollll [c]499[c] trombone_kingdom [c]500[c] trouble_nation [c]501[c] trumpnation33 [c]502[c] tsarzkar [c]503[c] tussland [c]504[c] tygon [c]505[c] udluzechitlan [c]506[c] uhura-ubuntu [c]507[c] ultimacave [c]508[c] ulumina [c]509[c] umi_no_tani [c]510[c] unimaginable_doom [c]511[c] union_of_provinces [c]512[c] union_of_ralu [c]513[c] united_europe_and_north_america [c]514[c] united_government_of_corruption [c]515[c] united_kingdom_of_iraq [c]516[c] united_lands_of_alvania [c]517[c] united_lunar_paladins [c]518[c] united_regions_of_geographic_masses [c]519[c] united_states_of_great_liberion [c]520[c] united_technocratia [c]521[c] universal_morals [c]522[c] uplon [c]523[c] urthland [c]524[c] usnua [c]525[c] uvz [c]526[c] valencia [c]527[c] valley_of_the_sun [c]528[c] vandea [c]529[c] vasilikouda [c]530[c] vastyra [c]531[c] vazos [c]532[c] venezuelia [c]533[c] vetzerland [c]534[c] vihall [c]535[c] vladivo [c]536[c] vokolvski [c]537[c] volaeia [c]538[c] vortiaganica [c]539[c] vrancea [c]540[c] vyaz [c]541[c] wadatomomiya [c]542[c] wallsland [c]543[c] wei_yang [c]544[c] west_plinkenshire [c]545[c] wet_towel [c]546[c] whipping_nae_nae [c]547[c] winterwonderlands [c]548[c] wladimiria [c]549[c] wokkon [c]550[c] wolfristan [c]551[c] woollevia [c]552[c] wydanot [c]553[c] xentherida [c]554[c] xeutia [c]555[c] xploer [c]556[c] yeraennus [c]557[c] yinzhaohan3 [c]558[c] you_2 [c]559[c] you_can_go_suck_a_lemon [c]560[c] zar0s [c]561[c] zazumo [c]562[c] zemnaya_svoboda [c]563[c] zerophix [c]564[c] zinate [c]565[c] zmx5516 [c]566[c] zombie_ned_flanders [c]567[c] zongzi [c]568[c] zongzian_haidao [c]569[c] zongzian_nandao [c]570[c] zoroth
I think it's best to advertize the various activities on the forums. Here's a template:


I hope you had fun participating in this years Zombie Apocalypse. But did you know that TNP has a thriving community on its offsite forum?

It has a variety of things to do. If you enjoyed Z-Day, you may enjoy serving in the North Pacific Army, our region's own organization for military gameplay.

If you're interested in role playing with your nation, we have a sizable roleplay community as well.

Furthermore, if you're interested in regional politics, you can join the Regional Assembly, our region's legislature. All registered citizens are members. The RA also elects our Delegate and Vice Delegate. This is the best way to have your voice heard on the way the region is run.

Or you can work for the Executive government by signing up for the Executive Staff.

Our offsite forum: [b][i]http://forum.thenorthpacific.org/index[/i][/b]

Apply for citizenship: [b][i]http://forum.thenorthpacific.org/topic/7306731/1/[/i][/b]

Enlist in the North Pacific Army: [b][i]http://forum.thenorthpacific.org/topic/7279690/1/[/i][/b]