TNP Cup Sign-Ups and OOC

St George

RolePlay Moderator
Deputy Speaker
He/Him, They/Them
So we kinda let this fall by the wayside last time around, so I'm going for a much more simple approach. Naizerre will be hosting the first ever TNP Cup, and we'll do it in a group stage followed by a knock-out tournament. I'll be scorinating all the results and the only thing required from participants will be submitting a 23 player squad prior to the tournament, and match day 18 player (starting 11 and 7 subs) squads. That doesn't mean you can't RP your teams - or even just people from your nation - being at the tournament.

All I need right now is for people interested to fill out this form:
Nation Name:
Team Nickname (if applicable):
Lowest Skill Value (between 5-7):
Highest Skill Value (between 5-7.5):

Quick note on skill values, the lowest skill value would be skill value of the worst 11 players on your national side and the highest is the best 11 players. I've been RPing Naizerre as one of the leading footballing nations and have an LSV of 6.7 and HSV of 7.3. Nations with a strong domestic footballing league tend to have higher skill values but I'm open to anything for this first tournament.
I could easily rework the old bid I made, as a Pataliputra bid for the second cup.

In the meantime:

Nation Name: the Syrixian Empire
Team Nickname (if applicable): the Lions
Lowest Skill Value (between 5-7): 6.4
Highest Skill Value (between 5-7.5): 7.5
Nation Name: The Technological Republic of Norvalkin
Team Nickname: The Norvalkin City Peacekeepers
LSV: 6.8
HSV: 7.4


Quick note.. Norvalkin has a national sport ("Crunchball") based on rugby, except much more extreme. A game without at least one broken bone on either side is considered "weak," if not an ill omen for one or both sides. (Gives new meaning to "break a leg.") When Norvalkin comes to play, they play to win (within the rules, of course).
Nation Name: Sadakoyama
Team Nickname (if applicable): Academy City Railguns
Lowest Skill Value (between 5-7): 5.9
Highest Skill Value (between 5-7.5): 7.0

Sadakoyama players will not be the biggest or the strongest or necessarily the fastest, but they will have excellent endurance and an extraordinary level of teamwork. Sports in Sadakoyama are mostly played for physical activity and as emotional release, so while they won't be particularly concerned with the outcome of the game they may be aggressive if their dander gets up.
Nation Name: The Lancerian Empire
Team Nickname (if applicable): The Essling Elite
Lowest Skill Value (between 5-7): 6.7
Highest Skill Value (between 5-7.5): 7.1

Teams in the Lancerian Empire are notorious for being consistently solid. There are few true offensive stars in the country, and more well-rounded solid players. Football in the Lancerian Empire has evolved to focusing on defense over offense and this team is no different in their mindset. They will make very few mistakes and though they have suffered losses, they have nearly never been blowouts, especially as the best player on the team is the relatively young elite goalie, Yves Tavernier. There will be no defensive meltdowns here and mistakes are far and few between. All this defensive attention means that the offense isn't as good, most of the time its average and above average at best. (Essling is the name of a city in the Lancerian Empire.)
Nation Name:
Team Nickname (if applicable):
Lowest Skill Value (between 5-7): 5.5
Highest Skill Value (between 5-7.5): 7.0

Personally I don't care much for team sports, but as a German nation I'm thinking we'll do some soccer here and cricket there... Blah blah, good offense and defense, slum kids-turned soccer stars and whatnot.
Ooh, everyone's doing descriptions. I will too, then. Syrixia's teams are trained well, to play well and to be like a second family to one another. This is because Syrixia is very competitive. Like, Byzantine chariot racing competitive. Sports is a key part of our culture.
Nation Name: Imperium Augustum
Team Nickname (if applicable): The Signifiers
Lowest Skill Value (between 5-7): 5
Highest Skill Value (between 5-7.5): 5.5

The Signifiers are notorious for being possibly the worst team on the international circuit. Playing a highly aggressive game, their matches are often thrilling, and their success on the international circuit - where they have had any - has generally been because opposing star players tend to hold back when playing against what is practically a military side. In fact, unlike Norvalkin, the Signifiers have often been accused of failing entirely to 'play to win', treating soccer like a full-contact martial art. With little ballplay skill, terrible goal shooting, and very little playbook-knowledge that can be used to respond to enemy tactics, they're often overlooked entirely in most international sporting play-by-play programs, except to highlight injuries. However, they have been praised across the world for their extraordinary level of fitness, and highly effective on-field communication and free-positioning, which has in rare cases been exceptional enough to let them feign some modicum of strategic competence, and make it onto the much-adored primetime play-by-play.

Their stance as an underdog with almost invariably highlights-laden games has led to them being considered a side that garners a well-above average foreign fanbase, potentially the only reason they were even allowed into an international league, beyond the use of a couple of genuine soccer players as playmakers and in key positions. They also spend a surprising amount of time on public relations, with one of the top PR teams in international football, and their popularity abroad has led to many of their players becoming minor advertising celebrities, thanks to a surprising capacity at utilizing their active, engaged fanbase. They are noted for utilizing overtly tongue-in-cheek narratives in publicity material, akin to wrestling's kayfabe, sometimes as serious story arcs, sometimes as one-off self-satires.

Preferred Formations, 1 - 3 - 6 - 1 into 1 - 3 - 4 - 2 - 1 (Forward-Midfielders move from offensive midfielders into deep-lying strikers)

Starting XI
1. (Goalkeeper) [Sweeper-Keeper]
2. (Right Back) [Wing-back]
3. Volumnius Flamma Violens (Sweeper) [Vice-Captain: Offensive Sweeper]
4. (Left Back) [Wing-back]
5. (Right Back-Midfielder)
6. (Left Back-Midfielder)
7. (Right Wing)
8. (Left Wing)
9. (Right Forward-Midfielder)
10. (Left Forward-Midfielder)
11. Marcus Attilius Regulus (Centre Forward) [Captain]

Nation Name: the Kingdom of Dallicania
Team Nickname (if applicable):
Lowest Skill Value (between 5-7): 5
Highest Skill Value (between 5-7.5): 7.5

(In short, the Dallicanians are extremely unpredictable. Can be outrageously s*cky to dumbfoundingly excellent.)

EDIT: Retconned roster, since I now have a different RP nation.
Nation Name: McMasterdonia
Team Nickname (if applicable):
Lowest Skill Value (between 5-7): 6.3
Highest Skill Value (between 5-7.5): 6.6

McMasterdonian teams are largely sponsored by privately own companies, or publicly traded corporations, with the Government playing no significant role in the sponsorship or promotion of McMasterdonian soccer teams - which is considered to be a non-traditional sport for Mcmasterdonians. Support for the national team is centralised around major cities - such as Intelligentsia, Capricornia, and Aurore in the far east. The sport has seen growing support amongst rural communities, but local teams do not exist in a very organised manner.

The team itself plays in a highly confused manner, almost as if their team manager knows absolutely nothing about soccer/football. Overall their skill is still good enough to even make the highlights of sport shows all the way from Jaipur to Bollywood.
Syrixia's capital is Pataliputra, and it's Rajiwood, so it'd be "From Pataliputra to Rajiwood."
So far I count 9 sign-ups. That'll probably mean either 3 groups of 3 with the top team going through and the best 2nd place team joining them in the semis.

Keeping sign-ups open for now though, and hopefully we'll get up to 12 teams.