ARCHIVED: Withdrawl from the Democratic Union


On behalf of Emperor Menelik II, praise be to his name, and the Funkadelia Foreign Ministry...

I hereby announce the withdrawal of Funkadelia from the Democratic Union, effective immediately.

For too long, Funkadelia has, by way of observer membership, been a party to the corrupt dealings of the Democratic Union. We joined this union with the fullest of faith and the best of intentions of achieving world peace and, where conflicts should arise, peaceful solution of those conflicts. We believed, apparently to our naiveté, that this union would try to find peaceful, diplomatic resolutions to conflicts across the world. Instead, we have witnessed nations in the union take advantage of their political, economic, and/or military clout to commandeer the union for their own personal gain. Rather than neutral peacekeeping solutions, the Democratic Union has devolved to side picking, not too dissimilar from the schoolyard. We do not want to have any responsibility in the destruction of human life due to the partisan nature of the Democratic Union. We hereby withdraw from this Union.

HON. AMBASSADOR Misgana Alemayehu
Funkadelian Delegate to the Democratic Union
Funkadelia Foreign Ministry

MNST. Arefani Theofeleios
Funkadelia Foreign Ministry

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Funkadelian presence in this organization was well enjoyed. Your nation's policies were those of neutrality and peace. Such a voice shall be missed in the halls of the Council.