Election Simulator


Just like a queef in the wind, so is life
TNP Nation
Farengeto' pid='97491' dateline='1444244817:
Download Link

I've had a few requests so I thought I'd share a program I'd been working on. This program allows you to use a set of polling data for your nation to generate yourself a randomized RP election result. If you'd like to create an unpredictable election result, or randomize the details of it, I'd suggest you give it a try.

The Simulator currently supports as many parties and electoral districts as you wish. The program is designed for proportional representation*, but will also do First Past the Post voting if configured appropriately.

Also in its functionality is the ability to generate a 50-day campaign, with a result you can easily export into software such as Excel.

I'm finally comfortable enough with its functionality to release its current form for public use.

Sample campaigns, showing predicted seats and votes over time:

Most of my work so far has been on improving functionality, but now I'm working on improving the User Interface, adjusting it for a larger number of parties and regions while maintaining support for smaller screens, and making the editing and importing easier. This is an open testing stage, so I'm looking for feedback on the current form, and what you'd like to see added or removed from the interface.

*(For the electoral junkies, it's main system is a closed-list proportional representation system)

Created by Farengeto of the South pacific
Images have been made smaller because of forum stretching, they will look better when you generate them yourself