The Subscription


TNP Nation
Zemnaya Svoboda
Valued subscriber,

Please find within the 74,012th edition of the Subscription. This edition covers commonwealth, union, and international affairs, as well as sports, science, and technology news. Within the commonwealth, essays address the ongoing deadlock in the States General forced by the independence caucus, a series of grim murders in Carth, scurrilous charges of bribery abroad by the commonwealth munitions conglomerate, and ideological differences between adjacent neighborhood watches in Woleth. Regarding the All-House Union, essays describe drug abuse in the back country, the censure of Councillors Grotrith and Llaresoth for fisticuffs on the Council floor, and an independent report on corruption in Novrith. Internationally, find essays regarding the continuing crisis in McMasterdonia, diplomacy in the North Pacific Treaty Organization, and a recently-published overview of safe and risky shipping lanes across the region. In Sports, the standings in The North Pacific Cup, a portrait of the Eluvataran Isles team, and the collapse in the ticket resale market for Carth's own Victory team. In Science, a digest of asteroid spectroscopy studies and what it suggests about the economics of space mining, an overview of efforts to cure Alzheimer's in the Commonwealth and abroad, and a new expose on government-funded Climate "research" abroad. In Technology, a special report on prenatal gene therapy sponsored by NovaGen LLC, an essay on current developments using Graphene, and an exploration of the state of microwave crowd control devices. Please also find within our regular corrections and replies from subscribers sections.

Wishing you the best,
Vardham Mingel, Editor-in-Chief.

Commonwealth Affairs

Budget Deadlock Resumes

With the approaching expiration of continuing resolution #8325, the Commonwealth budget is once more subject to apparently irreconcilable differences between plurality caucus' program, the Lady Protector's veto of any budget that fails to increase funding to customs, and the independence caucus' refusal to respect any requirement coming from the Sedera.

The Chancellor's caucus, consisting of the free democrats, peace union, and various smaller groups, agreed on a slightly modified version of the government's budget over a month ago. This budget fully funds the armed forces, police grants, and educational voucher program, as well as retaining all necessary market support programs. The threat of the Lady Protector's veto led to the free democrats and peace union leadership proposing a modest boost to the customs department to better control the export of various pharmaceuticals to the All-House Union. This proposal is, however, unacceptable on its face to the independence caucus, which includes a number deputies from the free democrats in addition to the nigh-complete membership of most of the opposition factions. With a small majority of the States General, the independence caucus has blocked any such amendment to the budget.

Last month, continuing resolution #8325 extended the operations of the Commonwealth programmes at existing levels by forty days. Lady Protector Fendrina Quarrovth reluctantly approved the CR, with a warning that no further budget, temporary or otherwise, would see her approval without the required customs changes. The entire independence caucus then signed an open letter to the Sedera insisting they could not countenance such interference in the self-determination of our Eluvataran Isles.

Deputy Mangil Amrath of Carth has since repudiated his signature of the letter, explaining that he misunderstood the paragraph regarding acceptable compromises. Two further deputies would have to change their minds for a budget acceptable to Fendrina to pass. Amrath's signature was not withdrawn, however, from the speaker's petition to vote on the unamended budget. With a majority signing the petition, the unamended budget passed yesterday afternoon and is expected to be vetoed by the Lady Protector soon.

At an address to the Woleth Chamber of Commerce last evening, Chancellor Fulpagneo was heckled by supporters of the independence caucus who called him a "necrophilephiliac" and "Sederan slave," among other epithets. The disruption continued for 18 minutes while facility staff moved slowly to evict them, leaving the Chancellor to wrap up his address extemporaneously. Protests and counterprotests of the government's amended budget in Carth yesterday were directed by city shareholders to follow non-intersecting routes through town, and no notable disorders are reported, except for an attempt by a mob to break into the Myrorian embassy which was halted by determined action of municipal police, with three hospitalizations and forty seven arrests.

If no budget or continuing resolution is passed by Friday, all Commonwealth bureaus will be forced to close their doors, and the Navy will have to suspend most operations.

Valued subscriber,

Please find within the 74,173rd edition of the Subscription. This edition covers commonwealth, union, and international affairs, as well as sports, science, and technology news. Within the commonwealth, several essays analyze the swift-approaching election to the States General, the Coneibari trial for foreign bribery, and the savings in our defense costs due to support from Myroria. Regarding the All-House Union, essays describe House Rasamiteth and its defection to the ruling House Quarrovth, expansion of trade and other links with the August Empire, and an expose on the socialist leanings of House Vrotrith. Internationally, find essays regarding the developing crisis in Cronaal, inveighing against imperialism there, and regarding politics in the Democratic Union. In Sports, essays on why Eluvataran Islanders ought to try Volleyball, a drug abuse scandal concerning Victory's star player, and why girls should have sports too. In Science, a contributed essay from several professors against an essay in the 74,172nd edition in favor of active SETI, an essay against the use of fetal tissue in research, and one concerning the possibility of a new ice age. In Technology, a review of the rise and fall of satellite communications, an essay concerning vicious rumors about NovaGen LLC, and a special report on the success of InfoWall LLC. In Obituaries, the untimely death of long-time Union advocate and husband of the Sedera Pelendur Ilium. Please also find within our regular corrections and replies from subscribers sections.

Wishing you the best,
Vardham Mingel, Editor-in-Chief.



Pelendur Ærin Duidari Ilium

52 years old, Pelendur Ilium was born in another time, a time of suspicion and mistrust. A scion of the ancient House Ilium, formally lords of Ilium and its environs, he invested in public entertainment and sports, and earned a healthy return. He pursued an engagement with Fendrina Quarrovth. At 26, they were wed, in an event widely celebrated in the Commonwealth. He is survived by three children in the All-House Union: Menel Quarrovth, Emasun Quarrovth, and Ilar Quarrovth.

Since the majority of their children and death of the late Sedera, Fendrina and Pelendur have focused on their individual duties in their respective home towns. Over the last few years, the Subscription has received 234 letters and essays from Pelendur Ilium, a service we must thank him for. Pelendur died where he was born: in Ilium House.

A funeral will be held in Ilium after police return the body from the examinations required by regulations.
