Repeal "Read the Resolution Act"
A resolution to repeal previously passed legislation.
Category: Repeal
Resolution: GA#122
Proposed by: Vancouvia
Description: WA General Assembly Resolution #122: Read the Resolution Act (Category: Furtherment of Democracy; Strength: Mild) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.
Argument: This September World Assembly,
Cognizant of Resolution #122's attempt to force World Assembly nations to read resolutions;
Arguing that voting on resolutions is not a "privilege," due to the fact that virtually every nation may join and leave the WA as they please;
Arguing that the title of resolutions likely has an inconsequential effect on nations' votes compared to the content of the resolution, the strength of the resolution, the current vote tally, and the vote of their delegate;
Arguing that some WA nations do not have the ability to staff both a sapient and literate employee;
Arguing that WA nations should not be forced to read up-for-debate resolutions if they refrain from voting;
Asserting that these flaws undermine the effectiveness of this probably well-intentioned resolution;
Hereby repeals "General Assembly Resolution #122, Read the Resolution Act"
Ministry Statement
This is one of the most pathetic repeal attempts that has ever crossed our desk. Rather than going point by point and explaining how practically every line makes no sense this Ministry will simply recommend a vote AGAINST this resolution.