Lord Ravenclaw's Security Council Application

Pauline Bonaparte

Her Worshipfulness
TNP Nation
The Security Council has nominated Lord Ravenclaw for a seat on the Security Council. The vote to approve his application was unanimous among those voting, with 7 ayes.

The Chair now presents this to the Regional Assembly for discussion.
I haven't got much to say except that I, and probably most or all of us, have a high opinion of him, his commitment, his service, his activity and also his experience. He is perfect for the SC.
Fulll supportn Lord Ravenclaw has shown himself t be a committed ans hard working Cabinet Minister and I suspect that he will do the same as a member of the SC.
Raven is evil don't trust him he's secretly Gates and will destroy us from the inside!

Ahem. Had something caught in my throat, there.
Given that I was not asked any questions by the Security Council during my application, as most if not all of the Councillors will know my history, I understand that members of the Regional Assembly who do not will be going into this blind.

I would therefore like to state that I am at the disposal of the Regional Assembly to answer any questions that they may have regarding this application.

I would first like to thank the Security Councillors who saw fit to vote for my admittance and I hope that in the event that the Regional Assembly chooses to approve my application I am able to serve The North Pacific well.

I would also like to thank Lennart, Gradea and Tomb for their endorsements. To SillyString, I remind her that I did in fact bake the chocolate fudge muffins but lack a shipping address thus I sent you a picture of them instead.
I unequivocally support Raven's admission. He deserves the spot, he has the endorsements to get in, and he can certainly perform the duties it entails.
I heartily approve of this application, however, I have some wider questions in my head about how big the SC ought to be, and whether some people are treating SC membership as simply a hoop they have to jump through in order to retain the ability to build up their endo count.

We need a body of trusted people to maintain the security of the region. However, i question whether we need a large body of people we do not know very well.

Having said that, Ravenclaw is not among this number and as I have said I welcome this application.
We need a body of trusted people to maintain the security of the region. However, I question whether we need a large body of people we do not know very well.
I agree. I think the SC's requirements should be made stricter. Only more experienced TNPers should be allowed in.
We need a body of trusted people to maintain the security of the region. However, I question whether we need a large body of people we do not know very well.
I agree. I think the SC's requirements should be made stricter. Only more experienced TNPers should be allowed in.
I had suggested within the SC a proposal to re-introduce the concept of trustworthiness into the written statutory language, instead of the argued implied standard that was used as an argument to take it out of the statute.

Perhaps my last actions before retiring from the Regional Assembly is to bring forward that proposal for a debate and vote.

Like Flem and Syrixia, I have been increasingly concerned about a fundamental change in the nature of the Security Council so as to wonder if we can call it a body of highly trusted players, and the lack of a depth of experience showing trustworthiness concerns me.

This particular nominee is not as concerning to me as some other recent applicants, but the process demands more than just having enough enos and SPDR to apply, it ought to require more for the security and safety of The North Pacific. (I did vote for his nomination in the Security Council)