- TNP Nation
- Northern Amerion
- Discord
- Amerion #9702

Ahoy, me Hearties!
Guests are encouraged to wear pirate attire, which can include:
- Pirate avatars (such as your favorite anime pirate, RL pirate, and so on)
- Pirate flags (aka change your NS flag to a pirate/sailor theme)
- Pirate themed signatures (aka add some humor or wit to your signature)
When and where it will take place?
- It begins on International Talk Like a Pirate Day (or the 19th of September)
- It will take place on the Lazarus' Regional Message Board and Lazarus' forum
How to speak pirate:
- Translator:
- Pirate Phrases:
- Pirates Glossary:
Things to do:
- Have fun with the theme, such as talk like a pirate for talk like a pirate day
- Share your favorite pirate anime or pirate movie
- Sing and/or share your favorite pirate/sailing songs
- Talk in pirate lingo/phrases
- Walk the plank (though not in RL I hope)
- And anything you can come up with!

How International Talk Like A Pirate Day got started: