Might As Well Introduce Myself

I've been lurking around the forums and I made my citizenship application a while back so I thought I might as well introduce myself. Better late than never. Instead of just twiddling my thumbs and endo-tarting like crazy for some reason , I plan on getting more actively involved eventually. Oh, and here's my answers to that form Kingborough made.

Nickname(s)?: You could call me John, for all I care. I'm sure y'all can think of a creative nickname.
Main Nation?: The Hinterland
RL Country?: U.S.A
Favourite Colour(s)?: Green
Do you use IRC?: Nope.
Political Ideology? Liberal, Conservative, Anarchist, do you care?: Liberal
Do you enjoy Roleplay or forum games?: Sometimes.

P.S. Shout-out to the The Cascadian Commonwealth for being a great mentor.
Welcome to eternal slavery. Here's your hoe, and here are your seeds. Have fun!

Or else I KEEL you.