- TNP Nation
- McMasterdonia
An Invitation to Foreign Heads of State & Heads of Government to the Funeral of Queen Matilda II
From: King-Regent Albert of the Kingdom of McMasterdonia
To: Heads of State/Government of the nations of the North Pacific
The deceased members of the Royal Delegation to the Republic of Eumenor have finally returned to McMasterdonia after a prolonged absence in the custody of Eumenorian authorities. The Kingdom of McMasterdonia invites foreign dignatories to the state funeral of Queen Matilda II, former Queen-Regnant of the Kingdom of McMasterdonia.
The Queen's body will lie in state in Tiyiddes Palace, the lakeside residence of the monarch of McMasterdonia in central Intelligentsia for 5 days to allow citizens of McMasterdonia to pay their respects. The State Funeral will be held on September 8th 2015, with the service held at the Royal Palace Intelligentsia, and the body will then proceed for burial in the Royal Crypts at the Holy Flemingovian Church of McMasterdonia.
Queen Matilda II fought against the enemies of a sovereign state, including fundamentalism, religious extremism, cultural imperialism, and institutionalized corruption. Foreign Heads of State and Heads of Government are asked to leave their personal quarrels at the door and to join the Kingdom of McMasterdonia in celebrating the life of a great Queen, a great ruler, and a great citizen of Eras.
Friends and confidants of the late Queen will be invited to give one of a series of eulogies. Other representatives will then be afforded the opportunity to speak.
Please note that representatives from the Government of Eumenor are not permitted to attend the ceremony.
Code:[center][b][big]R.S.V.P[/center][/b][/big] [b]Name:[/b] [b]Nation:[/b] [b]Government Position:[/b]
OOC: Please note that this funeral will be unaffected by the political crisis that is ongoing in McMasterdonia. Any individual who seeks to turn this funeral into a terrorist attack or anything other than a funeral will have their posts removed.