ARCHIVED: David Tyler for Delegate Event in Southampton,Ravon

Welcome to Southampton,Ravon. WA Ambassador David Tyler is hoating an event today at the Merdock Place. 4500 people have gathered to hear him speak.
David Tyler: We need to reform TNP. We need voting rights for all, equal pay for equal work, and Expansion of Social Security.
Economy: We need investment in Job Growth, and companies who practice foriegn investments and outsource jobs to other regions must be restricted. I'm a firm believer that the government has an obligation to work for the people. One way we can do that is by decreasing the number of people who are poor. I will call loudly, for $45 billion in poverty Relief, and $ 56 billion in jobs trainin porgrams. TNP has the largest number of nations, and we have to make sure that we also have the highest number of employed people Internationally. Another thing we need to work on is Investment in Penisons. Those who've worked their entire lives deserve at least $ 67,000 a year granted to them. Finaaly, every month we need to pass budgets. This will include spending in industries, and tax collections.

Education: Children are the future, and it is in their best interests that we invest in their schools. All across TNP, schools are failing with low test scores, low graduation rates, and poor learning envirnments. If elected, I will make sure that our children are cared for with the best schools, and the best teachers. NO MORE TEACHER LAYOFFS. NO MORE SCHOOL VOUCHERS.

Healthcare: We need in TNP Universal Healthcare for Everybody. There is no reason whatsoever, that a single mother cannot afford medicine for herself or her children. There is also no reason why a family of 8 cannot get the Healthcare Coverage they need for medical development. Universal Healthcare or No Healthcare At All.