How hard can it be?

Hi all!
I'd like some help finding a good image editing package, that works on my Yosemite macbook air, that is free, and will allow me to add eyes onto my countryball. That is literally it.
Could you recommend a good programme that can do this?
Paintbrush is what I use. It's not overly advanced, so anyone can use it. It does work well though. It's also specifically FOR MAC, conveniently enough.
Gimp or Pinta.

I doubt Paintbrush works in Mac at all, or the one I use,, is also a windows-y thing.

If you're good with not so intuitive interfaces try gimp, more potential. If you get frustrated easily and just feel like drawing some pokèballs, then go for Pinta (I hope Mac version is as good as the Linux version I tried some time ago)