Nomination for Council Chair


Peace Councilors,

I would like to call for nominations for Council Chairperson below. The Councilors that may nominate and/or be nominated for Chairperson are the representatives from Plembobria, Eumenor, New Sekai, or Guslantis.

Thank you,

Delegation from Cascadia
Oh, alright then. So, what I got from this was that Gustlantis and Plembobria have declared Candidacy, while Eumenor has declined their nomination. Is that correct?
Article nine requires a three-day candidacy declaration period. I'd be willing to bypass this provision, but one PC member (New Sekai) has not posted in here yet.
Hold on. If you refer to the Charter, only nominations can be accepted. No declarations of candidacy.
Looks like times up. Because this election is so urgent, the nominations and candidacy declarations are all valid in my eyes.
Looks like times up. Because this election is so urgent, the nominations and candidacy declarations are all valid in my eyes.