Motion to remove the PC Chair


Motion Text:
The delegation from The Republican Pacific Islands is hereby removed as Chairperson of the Peace Council.

Article Eight, Paragraph 2 of the NPTO Charter shall be amended to read:
The members of the Peace Council shall be the representatives from the following nations: Eumenor, Plembobria, and Guslantis. Only one representative from each nation may serve as a Councilor on the Peace Council. These representatives will serve on the Peace Council until their publicly announced resignation or until recalled or expelled. There may be no more than seven Councilors on the Peace Council.

RPI has been inactive for too long. Only a two-thirds vote of the assembly is can remove him from office. I also seek to amend the charter to revoke his permanent membership.
The next question is, who should receive permanent membership instead?
I'm not sure. There are only currently two nations who applied for being a peace councilor. If The United States of New Sekai and The Monarchy of Guslantis. I been honestly, would like to see either The United States of New Sekai or The Monarchy of Guslantis to be a permanent member of the peace council?
Full support. I also nominate Guslantis to be a new permanent member, should they be accepted.
The Monarchy, and thus I, move for an expedited vote on the motion. We feel like time has come to bring activity back into the second organ of the body of the North Pacific Treaty Organization, and we cannot run NPTOPF or the Peace Council properly without an official Chair. I will continue to follow-through with pushing the vote through, as I believe NPTO cannot stand without either a PC Chairman or an actual Chairman, and ask that Chairwoman Trainor take precedence on this proposal.

Dearly thanks,

Ryan Pittman
NPTO Representative